
The Morning rays warmed his skin as Damien glided his way along the pathway to Orion. He entered the same main doors that led to the healing room where Zia was placed after her injury. He passed the healing room and continued down the hall to his destination.

Walking deep into the darkness of the empty hallway, a smile began to form on his face as an unruly lock of his hair fell into his view.

He brushed the lock of hair back then placed his hand over a satchel that hung over his shoulder with his special tools in it. Entering a door, he began descending stairs as they twisted beneath the earth.

The spiraling stairs seemed to go on forever, but Damien was in no rush. He took his time to visualize all he desired to do to Orion.

As he continued into the depths of the earth, visions of evil witches and demons began appearing before him. Winged creatures beat their wings and swept in to attack him then disappeared while he heard echoes of cackling throughout the air, mocking him.