
Something was different today. She had a strange feeling running through her body and wondered what was happening to her.

Since she danced for Arlon, she had not heard anything from him again.

She couldn't understand what could have upset the man so. She did everything he asked her to do, no matter how much she didn't want to do it. What more did he want?

Helena had not taken care of her since that night either. Anything brought for her was given to her by the guards and they were not exactly the most pleasant.

She hoped Helena wasn't in trouble of some sorts because of her. She had begun to like her. Her honesty was appreciated. 

Being in the large, cold room alone, she had nothing else to do but inspect the entire space. It was getting boring doing so, until she came upon an old book that was hidden underneath the frame of the bed. She had no idea what made her look under there, but she did. She checked everything.