
There was a lot less pressure getting ready alone than with Helena. Zia paid no attention to looking extra nice to meet with Arlon. She had no idea what to expect. Hopefully he would not ask her to dance again since it made him behave strangely the last time.

She finished her bath and dressed in a simple dress. Helena had brought her many options, but most were very beautiful with expensive looking beading on them. She was grateful for a few simple pieces that she recycled regularly.

After she was ready, she felt for the ring behind her head. Her hair had begun to loc since it was always braided. She would possibly have to cut the ring out of her head when she felt it was safe to wear it. She wondered if she would ever be safe enough to wear such a beautiful ring out in the open. For certain everyone would think she stole it, and she did not need any more accusations thrown in her direction.