
The cool breeze rustled through the vibrant green forest as sunlight cast a shimmery wave of light over the greenery as it fluttered. Animals grazed at a nearby lake, while some splashed water on each other as others quenched their thirst.

Every creature had its own unique sound that was fascinating to listen to. It was like their own language. Onlookers would have to guess what was being discussed based on their body language.  Only they understood each other, yet there seemed to be a level of respect between the different animals.

Each day, they would complete their tasks. Whether it was enjoying the suns rays or gathering food for their young, they were continuously moving. Much like the natives, they showed appreciation for their place in this world.

Orion wondered if he ever saw anything like this before. He would surely remember parts of it. He would remember the colors and the beauty of it all. He would remember the types of creatures he saw.