
"What is going on? What did you see?" Orion asked through the sounds of the waterfall that hid them. He moved away from the stone wall and walked towards Syraah, who still sat on the ground with her feet crossed. 


"I saw many things and I do not know how to feel about it all."


"What do you mean?"


"Kahtri has been deceiving me, my father and my people this entire time. I saw myself a child while my mother was still with me. After we lost her, everything changed. My father changed. He is afraid, afraid for me to be hurt and afraid to lose me. Whatever Kahtri has done has also made it easy for him to treat me differently."


"I am so sorry about your mother, Syraah."


"It is alright. I am older now. Though it still hurts, I am stronger than I was in the past. Now more than ever, I need to help my father."