Chapter 17 A disgrace to everyone

"What would she think of me? a child murderer?" Yuxi turns her head slowly and sees Meimei freaked face and slowly walks away.

"Yuxi stop! stop moving!"He carries Meimei and runs towards her and stops when she sees her stepping onto a bar ready to fall into a deep endless ocean which says Dangerous keep out

"Yuxi! dont do this! stop this!" Zichen shoust as he drops Meimei and moves closer to her

"Why shouldn't I? I am a monster that kills innocent children! A disgrace to everyone! I deserve death!"Yuxi mumbles as she moves closer to the ocean

"Mommy! dont do this! do you hate little mei badly that you want to kill yourself?" Meimei sobs as Yuxi heart breaks down in tears as she bends down

"I don't want to do this! I dont wanna leave you Meimei! " Yuxi stammers as the voice kept screaming at her to do this

"Continue I guess its working! " Zichen whispers into Meimei ears

"Do you know what's its like when you've got no person around you? I had no mother for 5 years and finally I have and she wants to leave little mei again!"Meimei sobs louder

"Meimei I am sorry! I am really sorry,you dont want a monster as your mother! I am a murderer that has been hunted by children spirit! I had sleep at night, I have to take pills to sleep,I can't help myself, Meimei,please forgive me!"she turns and slowly jumps but was caught by Zichen and wrapped in his hands and taken to the room opposite them

In the room)

"Saved again let me guess?" she sighs,when will her time really come

"Shh! Meimei is sleeping, let's go out for a walk okay?" Zichen says as he quietly leads Yuxi out of the room

"You've clearly seen I am not mentally okay "Yuxi breaks the silence

"I know,you're the first patient I have seen that murders children most people go for evil people " he says as he cleans a bench for them to sit and they sat down.."If you need a shoulder I am here for you okay?"

"Thanks? you pity me cause you think I am a psycho,dont worry I get it!" Yuxi phone rings and she answers it.."Hello grandpa?"

"Yuxi? Wang Lu told me you've not returned since noon,where are you?" Grandpa Ding says,ever since Lu called he has been trying to track her location but everything was in vain

"Pa? I am okay,I am at the park,its a surprise but I am okay!"Yuxi says as she cuts the call on him

"thats rude you know?"