Chapter 27 On A Date with Zichen

"Sorry!"Yuxi gets up and adjust her clothing and sits on the chair

"Its no problem,I should be the one to say sorry,what if you had tripped and hit your head or something, I won't be able to forgive myself "Zichen tries to clear the awkward tension in the room

"Has Meimei gone to sleep?"Yuxi tried to strike a conversation because the silence was killing her deep

"Yeah I just put her down to sleep,Yuxi? are you busy tomorrow, Would it be great to go out on an outing without meimei? "Zichen spoke up

"An outing? it depends on my schedule but I can make out time for it,And if its without meimei,Then is it a date between us?"Yuxi asks as she plays with her finger nails

"Date? not really,but if you see it like that then that's great!"Zichen smiles back at her an the awkward silence came back

"Well I've got to be going,maybe we'll see tomorrow? "Yuxi gets up and leaves without his reply

"Finally! I asked her on a date!"Zichen says happily to no one in person

Next Morning)

At Ding corps)

"Morning Yuxi! you look quite great today any secrets?"Wang Lu says as he drops some files on her table

"I wanna ask something, since you're a man! if a man asks you to go on an outing without any person interference only alone what does that mean?"Yuxi taps her hands on the table to show her anxiety

"Well to me then he wants to have some alone time with you,maybe look at the moon and probably all those couple stuffs,Why are you asking? dont tell me one of your suitors are disturbing you again? "Lu waits for her reply

"Its Zichen but I dont know how to reject him,I know it won't work because I am not meant to be loved but still I am scared what if he finds out about my past and then leaves me,All men are the same who you can never give your heart to "Yuxi said to no one in particular but Wang Lu understood what she was saying without any stress

"Dont Tell me he asked for a date with you? "Lu fingers shakes

"Yes but I still haven't accepted it yet,i told him if I am free I'll call him,Soo how's my schedule for the day huh? any free time to stick in a date?"Yuxi asks as she sips her coffee and continues

"I guess not you've got a meeting with Ting Yue and her management, it has been decided that she would be the model used for the company advertisement "Wang Lu informs her

"Cancel the meeting and call for a board meeting, I've decided to use a child,it will be more beneficial than an adult "Yuxi says without batting her eyelid still focused on her work

"Well when its done can we grab lunch? I mean if you'd like to,I am not really forcing you "Lu stares at his fingers and taps his feet nervously

"Lunch? I guess not since my afternoon is gonna be busy, get in touch with the fashion department and also tell them to meet me at the conference room,Maybe another time okay? and I promise we'd enjoy okay?"Yuxi pats his shoulders as she walks out of the room