Chapter 34 A New friend

Next Day)

At The shooting site)

"Did you hear it is an unprofessional that's undertaken our project?"A lady gossips to another

"Maybe they are trying new thing and beside When she was recommended the photographer even applauded! you know hard it is to satisfy that grumpy photographer look like she is a golden material!"Another one said as they watch Meimei choosing poses as they snap her

"Lovely! give me the domineering one! make it fierce! "Chia You ,the photographer encouraged her as Mei kept changing poses ."Break time!"he said as he kept the camera and went to have his lunch

"Here, you tired? "Zichen said as he gives her a chocolate bar with milk tea to Meimei ."You can quit if you want! you can't stress yourself!"He helps her wipe her sweat away

"Just take a look at mommy,she is quite satisfied because of that smile says Soo! I have to keep going even though my body aches "Mei says with determination as she eats the chocolate bar and shoos Zichen away

"Hello,can I have a bite?"A young boy her age said as he sat down close to her hungrily looking at her milk tea

"Hmm sure!"She cuts it into half and gives him with the milk tea ."Milk tea isn't really my favourite, Soo you can have it "She lied

"Thank you!"He ate it

"Soo little kid what's your name?"Mei clasps her hands

"Fang Shao Wen and you?"The boy managed to say even though with a mouth full of chocolate

"Yang Mei, Nice meeting you,you've got something here "She cleans the chocolate spills on his lips with her hands and smiles back to him ."Where's your parent or they didn't come with you?"

"No My parent are abroad I am staying with my big brother but he couldn't come because of his tight schedule, Soo I came with my nanny "Shao wen says

"Nanny? at your age?"Mei asks

She really dont understand humans at all,and that's right she wasn't a human but a creature who is gonna die once her mission is done and after a long time seems she has met another friend

"I know right?I tried to beg my brother but he said I am too young to go out without a nanny and that made me furious,soon my nanny would be here to get me,I had to sneak out,thanks for the chocolate bar hope we can meet again "Shao Wen bids her goodbye as he ran to his nanny and Yuxi came

"Who was the little boy?"Yuxi pats her head as she looks in the direction of the departing boy

"A new friend I guess,Mommy after this can we go have lunch I am quite hungry "Mei touches her stomach to indicate her hunger