Chapter 60 Face Reality


At the parking lot,

"Zichen?"Yuxi said as she walks down the stairs and finds Zichen leaning against a golden Roll Royce with a bunch of flower

"Yuxi!"He called out and she walks towards him and he opens the car door for her and she enters ."Its just a dinner what's with the roses?"

"Hmm nothing, I saw it fit you Soo I'd decided to get you one,You like it?"Zichen started the car

"I like lavender better but thank you "Yuxi sniffed it and smiled,It had the rose cloud but the lavender smell.

She couldn't help but feel giddy at the thought of Zichen asking out for dinner not like this was the first time but she wanted to look her best



"What do I wear huh?"Yuxi kept the phone down and kept thinking until Xin Chi walked in

"Miss Ding?You've got a meeting right now "She bowed her head as she stood near the door

It had already been a week she had been employed as Yuxi assistant and she is loving it Soo much! She thought that her boss would be strict but now she doesn't really find what those rumors they say about her true

"Cancel them for today and reschedule it okay?"Yuxi replied as Xin Chi nods her head and turns to leave but hears Yuxi calling her name ."Yes Boss?"

"I have this little problem I am not Soo sure about I want hear your opinion about it "Yuxi stares at her waiting for her to reject her. After all she is used to such things

"Me?I am Soo flattered Miss Ding "Xin Chi said smiling as she continued ."That's lovely and I'd love to know what's troubling you Miss Ding "Xin Chi said as Yuxi signals her to sit down as she takes a seat on her office chair close to her

"I was wondering that if a boy asked you to go on a dinner but he didn't really say anything, Should I dress normal?or high class?"Yuxi asked,Beside its high time she drops her guard and faces reality and build her trust

But was she ready to face reality and another betrayal?

"Are you having love trouble? "Xin Chi chuckles as she turns to meet her serious face of her boss and stops laughing

How could she forget that she is facing her deadly boss .Even if the rumors are fake she still has to be careful

"Just be yourself okay?Men loves less pretending women,Just wear what ever you've got and make it really sexy "Xin Chi winks and Yuxi takes down some important notes she was giving her
