Chapter 73 Headless ghost on the loose


"Be Strong!"Ping patted his back as he continued the death of his son story

"And then when I felt bad for my action,I went around searching for him and then I had asked direction and went to the neighbouring village road side .Once I found him ,he wasn't breathing and there was only a decayed body .Feeling bad about my action which lead to the death of my only son,I bent down and cried in the mud letting rain beat me,Carrying his body I took it home and the next day I buried him " Teng finished up the story and hugged his wife

"But I dont think he is dead! I saw him but with no face,he had no mouth,no eyes only a head..I dont think its his body you buried,Can you tell me where you buried it?"Zichen got up ready to take note

This involves Yuxi and he can't just keep quite

"His body is at the cemetery,it was the only one I requested not to turn to ash,when there just ask for Ding Juan and they will show you "Teng said and Zichen left the house and immediately drove to the cemetery


At The Cemetery,

"This way please!"The guards said as they directed him towards Ding Juan plot .

Kneeling he helped open the tomb and he left

"Empty?I knew it!"He took out his phone and snapped the empty tomb and turned around immediately he heard a familiar voice

"You're quick little boy! "The man wearing black hoodie said as he moved closer to his grave and also bent looking at his phone ."Next time take a better photo okay?this looks awful!"The man scorned as he stepped back

"You again! tell me who you're for real!"Zichen asked getting a gun from his pocket

Never will he leave without one or two weapons in his pocket especially when a headless ghost is on the loose

"You came well prepared than last time,but little boy I got no time to fight you okay?"He said as he entered the tomb and wanted to close it but Zichen held the tomb cover

"I wanna ask for the last time,how are you living?!"Zichen said as Juan soul gets up and just smirks

"Its the work of the devil,wanna join at least I won't only be the human slave that he has,we can both share the burden,But little boy are you ready to take such risk?"The man lied back down and continued to speak ."A risk I took last 22 years is what I am paying for dont be Soo stupid and let me be in peace "