Chapter 76 A terrible cook

"Well I made dinner when you were away! you'd love it!"Yuxi said as she goes into the kitchen and brings a plate of dishes to the dining table

"I didn't know my wife could cook!A beauty and a cook too, that's a wonderful combination! "He said as he goes to the table,Sitting down he grabbed a chopstick and put one of the meatball in his mouth

Scrunching on the burnt and salty meatball,he swallowed it and drank water .Hr didn't know that food could kill obviously this recipe would be an atomic bomb in the black market if ever sold !

"How's it?lovely?"Yuxi asked in excitement .This was her first time cooking,all she knows how to do is to microwave bought foods but never cooked them

"Its lovely Darling! "Zichen said as he forces the meatball down his throat

How is it?!it taste like poop rolled in dirt's and mud then added salt and then left in the sun to harden!

He couldnt tell her it was bad,From her expression it must be the first food she had cooked for him and he didn't want his little wife to be sad

Lying solves everything right?

"I knew I was a good cook!let me taste it "

"NOOO!"Zichen shouted as she put a meatball in her mouth and spat it out .Rushing to the kitchen she vomited it and scrubbed her tongue with her finger

"What kind of poison is this?how could you eat it?"Yuxi said as she kept scrubbing her tongue

"I had to!it was probably your first time that you cooked and I didn't want you to feel bad "Zichen said as he dropped the chopstick and joined her in the vomiting.

Wiping of their mouth when done with the vomiting, They made their way to the couch but cuddling each other

"My birthday is almost up,what you gonna get me?"Yuxi played with his collar, biting her lower lips she whispered it in his ears

"If you keep doing that I dont know whether I'd be able to resist you again! "Zichen said as he kisses her forehead

"Then dont do your worst!"Yuxi playfully said

"Dont say I disnt warn you!"Zichen carried her in a bridal style to his bedroom


Next Day,

At Ding Corps,

"Morning Yuxi, you look nice!wanna share some secrets with me?"Xin Chi said chuckling at the blushing Yuxi

"Dont tell you two had done it,last night?tell me his performance is he good?"Xin Chi asked as she puts her fingers on Yuxi chin

"Hmm, WHAT!we didn't do anything! what are you thinking "Yuxi covered her red tomato face as she defended herself