Chapter 87 Here is Heaven

"Ooh come on honey!how can you embarras me in front of my grandson in law?"Teng whines

If its something his wife derives fun from is embarrassing him in front of his in laws

And this isn't the first,He was also embarrassed during his sons engagement too.



Last 42 years,

"Ooh my daughter in law!"Ping hugged Mo Xinru as she led her towards the living room ."Here have a seat I'll be back I just wanna wash your grandpa in law under wears,he has been to lazy to wash then since the last month "She said as Xinru gives her a thumb up and Ping leaves to the washroom

'Gosh! what's with her?'Teng embarrassingly said as he avoid the gazes of his daughter in law

End of flashback.



"Haven't you heard the quote the truth hurts beside I only tell the truth ,I will go prepare the meals,you can go around the house and feast your eyes on some things "Ping said dragging the old man Ding tot he kitchen to give them some privacy

"Soo where do you want me to show your first,my costumer?"Yuxi bowed her heads as she drags Zichen up and he slums on her shoulders

"I can go where ever you're! as long as its a bed!"He whispers and her ears bud tingles

Looks like her man is getting cheesy and shameless this days

Feigning innocence of what she heard ,she escorted him to her room


In Yuxi room,

"Welcome to my room!"Yuxi opened the door with her card and they stepped into it

Pictures hanging of Yuxi childhood,Her graduation and most of her smiles too

"Here is heaven!"Zichen exclaimed as he went tot the hanging photos of Yuxi and smiled when he saw how beautiful his little girlfriend was when she was young

' I am sure she suffered from lots of suitors chasing her '

Collapsing on the bed,Yuxi threw her shoe to the the left side and removed her coat and spread her legs out

"You really know how to seduce men!"Zichen sighs and covered her legs exposing her long and sexy thighs and legs

Looking at the photo album in on her bed sides,he picked it up and stared at it

Something doesn't seem right?! What's his twin brother doing hugging her?Did they have a past relationship before?