Chapter 99 Food Poisoning from Yuxi food

"Were you two planning on making out on my favourite bed?"Hao asked.

"What the hell are you saying and who made it your favourite bed huh?"Zichen smacked his head as he drops the pen and went into the room


In the private room,

"You're done right?come and have food I am sure you are quite hungry too?"Yuxi went to him and hooked her hands over his and took him to the dining table

"Did you make this?"Zichen flinches as she nods her head in approval

Did she just nod her head .She made this,why exactly did she cook and this much?

"Who is gonna eat this huh?I mean all of it,I have a little stomach Soo I can't eat this much "Zichen whines

"Hmm then maybe He Hao could join,I just wanted to spoil my boyfriend, if it isn't up to your taste then you can leave it "Yuxi pouts her lips and makes a sad face

"How can I reject my girlfriend food? Yuxi is the best cook!"Zichen got out his phone and texted He Hao and he came running in

"You said it was an emergency didn't you? why are you till seating still "Hao tried to calm his racing heartbeat

After five minutes he left,he got a text from Zichen saying that it was an emergency and he tried to run as fast as he can and now he is just sitting down and smiling, What kind of joke is this?

"Lets talk okay?"Zichen dragged him to the room ."Have you had your lunch?my girlfriend made many and I can't have it all "

"When did you begin to share your food,something is up,You're usually stingy with your food, There's a time I begged you for food when I felt starved but you only told me to starve!"Hao turned his backs and folded his hands

"I have only a favor and if you dont want do it then you're fired,My girlfriend is a terrible cook and I dont wanna die alone!"Zichen grabbed his collar ."You know I hardly ask favors okay!"

"How terrible is it?"Hao removed Zichen hands from his collar and straightened his collar ."Fine I'll eat but if I get food poisoning you're in charge of my hospital bills!"Hao angrily says as he goes out and sits on the dining room

"Soo let's get on with the food!"