Chapter 136

"Where have I seen you before huh?"She broke the hug and went to her and Yuxi moved back obviously a little scared of her domineering stare. "Oh! that's right,you've appeared on television before! I forgot to soon because of things to take care of and many more!"She grabbed her back and pulled her in for a hug .

Feeling too awkward hugging her,she just flinched but felt nice in it like Zichen hugs,Warming and so cozy

"Xiao Zing are you planning on stealing my girlfriend from me?"Zichen made a sulky face and Zingy hit his head

"I am not Bent! and if I was then I would have stolen her away from you ten years ago!"Zingy said and Zichen coughed

She wasn't meant to say that part! Now that Yuxi heard,would she think that he has been stalking her for the past 10 years?

"So you two are just cousin and nothing more?"Yuxi raised her brows and they noded in sync. "Okay!do you mind accompanying us to lunch?"

"I am busy,I came for clothes and decided to branch here when I saw a familiar face and beside Zichen would kill me if I disturb anything between you two and also dont like being the their wheel,gotta run!"Zingy said as she went to the clothes section and left

"She is lively! just like her cousin, let's continue our shopping! "She dragged him to other section even after his protests to go home and send some house maid to get it


At the hospital,

In the directors Office,

"It is so glad to have the young talented miss of The He family here with us "The old man extended his hands and she shook it

She had already been briefly told how patient relatives where often treated badly and felt like smacking the owner for not properly taking care of the welfare of sick people

"As Mr He has informed I'd only be working here only exclusively for Mrs Luo so dont make things hard for me!"She said as she signed the contract and went immediately to room 165


In Room 165,

"The tools here are rusted! and the machine is even spoilt! What kind of hospital is this?"She furiously says as she takes of the tube Ans only connects an oxygen machine that she brought along with her. "Poor woman,being treated with awful machines! how do you expect her to wake up huh?"

She brought out her phone and called He Hao. "Zingy? have you landed?"