Chapter 149 Secrets III

"This isn't a business negotiation but if you're willing then I need a human guardian for earth,but I have to make sure you're ready to do it?"The man with mask spoke up.

"Yes I'll do anything for him to be alive again,please!"Xiu Mei cried out

Not Knowing her decision would end her up being immortal and also send her into an eternal suffering on earth

"If then but dont regret it!"He laughed as a black storm covered Xiu Mei and sucked her off making her half dead and living, a New Alchemist was born and that was Xiu Mei

She had given her life on earth in exchange for his own life. A Snake symbol appeared on her hand as two chain cuffed her hands and she wasn't able to move and the master himself was free from his own cuffs

"What did you do to me!"Xiu Mei screamed when she felt her sanity was at its peek and her eyes turned red and her hair turned long blue as her finger nails suddenly grew longer

"You sacrificed your life for him Muhaha! Now I am free,Free from this eternal bondages! I can leave my life the way I want now!"He exclaimed as he stretches his both hands that was freed and he saw Xiu Mei cuffed hands

"You still dont get do you?you sold your soul for me and he would wake up but never remember you! he will never remember he had a loved one nor he loved anyone! all his memory about you will be gone!"He laughed and puffed and Xiu Mei screamed as she tries to struggle but it tighten its grips on her hand and made her hands turn red

From then on,Xiu Mei lived her life's under chains and follow the rules of being a whipper,She was stuck in this damn world that almost drove out her sanity

Everyday she saw her beloved that she gave up her life for with another woman embracing her and telling her that he loved her and also his 6 years old son! Life was really unfair to people who didn't deserve it

End of flashback



"All this happened to you? so you really are a green whipper or something like that,I myself can't even belief,hope you are not making this up are you?"Zichen asked

"Are you kidding me now?! you think I am making this story up for you?"Mei groaned as she tossed herself on the bed and brought the pillow closer to her and took out a black box
