Chapter 197 Friends in college


Next Day,

At Ruo house,

"Morning Ruo,what do you wanna have for breakfast? "Xinru said as she came down from the bed and went to the kitchen to cook

"Let me help!"She smiled as she also followed her

"You are weak! have a rest okay?"She held her hands and forgot to wear her glove and Ruo saw her pinky was gone

"Your fingers? they are not complete? "Ruo held it as Xinru retrieved her hands and went to the living room and Ruo followed her. "Dont tell me you lost it when we were trapped in the freezer?"

"It was an accident but I am really fine! you dont need to bother about me okay?. "Xinru said as she cupped her face

"Hua Wei! she must pay for all this!"Ruo balled her fist as her eyes screamed revenge

"About her!, please dont go back to celebrate Xin Chi birthday. I overheard that Wei has teamed up with Xue to destroy you. It is probably big since they are working together. You're going nowhere okay? just call Chichi and she would understand! "Xinru anxiously said

"But I have left her to long, I want to see her. you dont know what it is like when you loose your set of twins at labour and then loose your adopted daughter again. It hurts so much "Ruo turned her head and wiped her tears

Her parents arranged marriage with The Gu family to marry their son Gu Zhi and they got married and she was pregnant but her children were no where to be found

"You're going nowhere!. What did you think would happen when you married Zhi? don't you know that they were many preys eyeing that title of the Young madam Gu? and you were chosen and even gave broth but your child was missing and now you wanna leave?!"Xinru who couldn't control her rage bursted out

"Why are you always against my marriage with Zhi! huh? did i question your own with Juan?. Even you hate my marriage,I thought we were friends! "Ruo sobbed as she ran out

"Luo Ruo!"Xinru chased after her but she entered into her car and drove away. "I.....what have I done!" She entered hers and chased after her but lost contact with her when she took a turn at the east wing of the small town

Stopping at a restaurant she breathed out and came down from the car when she finally lost Xinru to traffic and entered and saw Wei having lunch

"Wei?"She went towards her and gripped her collar. "Why did you try to kill us? what exactly have we done to you!"

"I didn't mean it. It was an accident, I even tried to save you but all hope was lost,I am truly sorry "Wei bowed her head and Ruo let go off her collar and sat down. "You are gonna leave tomorrow right? does Xinru know about it?"

"She does and she forbade me from doing so saying that it would be to dangerous "Ruo said

"And you listen to her? haven't you felt that she became super jealous after you got married into an elite family high than hers?" Wei tries to lure her into her words

Author Note

Hello dear and famishing readers💙💜💛💚. I just wanna thank all those that newly added my story to their libraries and my other readers that has been with me since the beginning of the story. Thanks so much and dont forget to check out

★Exchanged Soul,Mr Devil love me no more

★Arranged marriage promise to love me

★My Little beauty

★Shade of loves

★My Perfect

and other stories under my name and I promise you that this year 2021,I'd make it the best year for you with good,lots of story

Looking for different genres? then you've got them all

«Enemies to lovers?»

★Arranged marriage promise to love me

★My little beauty

«Adventure romance?»

★ Well dominated love

★Shades of loves

★My Mr Perfect

«Rom Com »

★Exchanged Soul,Mr Devil love me no more

Please do check it out and add to your library with hope to make your experience with me a lovely one to, If anymore problem?

Visit my insta account and chat me up (Xenalee0101) or directly comment on some chapters and we could go from there thanks so much!