Chapter 227 Catch her!

"What are you doing here?,in the women's restroom? "Zingy ignored him and went outside to wash and dry her hands when he held her hands

"That's if you are one!.Zingy, What are you exactly? "He asked when she stopped and turned to look at him

The Question she had avoided answering, Her Gender. When she was small,she had always been dressed and had to act like a boy until she was nineteen years old,that was when she was given the freedom to be her real gender

"I am a girl, Mr Gu,we hardly know each other,why ask such personal questions? "She avoided his gaze as she tried to leave but Wei Yi strengthened his grip on her hands

"You dont have to keep running, how long would you run?. You have to take responsibility for me!"Wei Yi shamelessly says as Zingy ears tingle at that word

Her most embarrassing moment!. The day she had always longed to forget,the day they made love to each other while drunk

"Make it more clear." Zingy with fear in her heart thinking she had been busted tried to act bold

Anyway he had no strong evidence that she was the one,so for now she could mingle her way out

"Bring the evidence." With the three short words,Three men came with a paper and handed over to Wei Yi. "Here take a look. At April 25,2021.we were stuck in a hotel for VIP. Leaving your black card was indeed a very big mistake. Though I couldnt figure it out but seeing you have the same Fragrance with the one I slept with,made everything crystal clear to me "He handed the document over to her and she looks at it.

"Do you wanna keep running or take responsibility for me?" Wei Yi moved closer to her and bent his head down to meet her unaffected face without knowing her next move

"You want me to take responsibility for you?. Think twice! "She held his head and kicked him in the groin and ran away

"Dont stand there and watch! Catch Her!"He yelped in pain as the guards ran after her and he manages to walk

A few Minutes later.

"Did something happen? "Hao asked when they saw Wei Yi walking out holding his groin and Zingy nowhere to be found

After ten minutes of chasing her,she had escaped through the window and entered her car and drove quickly

"Nothing really! Cheers. "Wei Yi held in the pain and drank the whole cup down


Next Morning.

In the parking Lot of Ding Corps.

"Keep it together, Wang Lu. You are finally gonna tell her how you feel "He breathed in and looked at the entrance of the Lot waiting for her cream car

He had finally man up to tell Yuxi how he feels but who knows how Yuxi would react.


Author Note

Hello dear and famishing readers💙💜💛💚. I just wanna thank all those that newly added my story to their libraries and my other readers that has been with me since the beginning of the story. Thanks so much and dont forget to check out

★Exchanged Soul,Mr Devil love me no more

★Arranged marriage promise to love me

★My Little beauty

★Shade of loves

★My Perfect

★Something Is Wrong With MR FANG

and other stories under my name and I promise you that this year 2021,I'd make it the best year for you with good,lots of story

Looking for different genres? then you've got them all

«Enemies to lovers?»

★Arranged marriage promise to love me

★My little beauty

«Adventure romance?»

★ Well dominated love

★Shades of loves

★My Mr Perfect

«Rom Com »

★Exchanged Soul,Mr Devil love me no more

«Thriller,comedy, Fantasy and supernatural beings »

★Something Is Wrong With MR FANG

Please do check it out and add to your library with hope to make your experience with me a lovely one to, If anymore problem?

Visit my insta account and chat me up (Xenalee0101) or directly comment on some chapters and we could go from there thanks so much!