Chapter 242

"Zingy, calm down!" Wei Yi pulled her back down

"You got it all wrong! I never neglected her! She was the one who left the family and came back at thirty to claim what was hers ." Grandpa chuckled.

It seemed that Zingy had lots of misunderstandings about her mother's death.

"So I am not a He?"Zingy asked once more to clear her doubt.

'If I am not a He? then why does he keep forcing me to take over the company?' She wondered

"By the law, exactly! Since she changed her surname and everything, I should not have legalized you as my granddaughter after all I am a cunning old man " Grandpa responded and Zingy looked away from his gaze

"Then why exactly do you want me to take over the company?" Zingy asked again.

"I see potential in you. Consider it, next week I will officially proclaim that I am handing the He group to my oldest granddaughter, so take your time. "He kept the cup down on the table and called the maids to clear everything up.

"You can go. I am done saying all I want to say "


In Wang Mansion.

"Young master, The youngest miss of He sent you this " The guard dropped it off in Lu's room and left.

"What is this now ." He opened it up and saw a picture

'How did she get this? this photo was burnt and removed from the internet a long time ago!'

The box contained many memories from their high school and university too. Why would He Mingyue have this with her?

"Hello?" He picked up the incoming call. "Who are you?"

He gazed at the unknown number that called him.

"Knowing who I am is not important. but my mission for you!" A manly voice could be heard from the other side.

Wang Lu quickly turned on the recorder on his phone

"What is your mission for him and how did you get my number?" Wang Lu sat up straight and looked at the unknown number trying to recall where he had seen it before

" If I want anything, I will get it. Getting your phone number is the least of my problems. Anyways, I do not need to be so formal with you. I heard you got dumped and it is all because of MR GU, right?" The man spoke slowly. "Want to get revenge?"


Author Note

Hello dear and famishing readers💙💜💛💚. I just wanna thank all those that newly added my story to their libraries and my other readers that has been with me since the beginning of the story. Thanks so much and dont forget to check out

★Exchanged Soul,Mr Devil love me no more

★Arranged marriage promise to love me

★My Little beauty

★Shade of loves

★My Perfect

★Something Is Wrong With MR FANG

and other stories under my name and I promise you that this year 2021,I'd make it the best year for you with good,lots of story

Looking for different genres? then you've got them all

«Enemies to lovers?»

★Arranged marriage promise to love me

★My little beauty

«Adventure romance?»

★ Mr Yi, try not to break my heart

★Shades of loves

★My Mr Perfect

«Rom Com »

★Exchanged Soul,Mr Devil love me no more

«Thriller,comedy, Fantasy and supernatural beings »

★Something Is Wrong With MR FANG

« Fantasy Romance »

★Dare not to leave you, Emperor Tang.

Please do check it out and add to your library with hope to make your experience with me a lovely one to, If anymore problem?

Visit my insta account and chat me up (Xenalee0101) or directly comment on some chapters and we could go from there thanks so much!