WARNING: Chapter contains minor spoiler from Switched at Birth series.
"Ace! give me my damn phone back!" I shout. One more bad word and It would be a world record.
"If you were paying attention to me then this wouldn't be happening." he says stretching his arm towards the ceiling. The arm which held my phone.
The whole crew was at James' house. We were watching a movie in the living room and were planning to sleep over. Noah was on the loveseat with Hailey on his lap. The rest of us were sprawled out on the couch. That was until the Ass-hat took my smartphone. I was texting my mother. As in the beautiful, Sophisticated, Queen of Maldonia plus the whole of frickin' Europe, that mother. And what is worst? we were discussing details of what will happen when I am back home to take the throne. If he reads those, I can kiss New York goodbye.
"Ace, don't be an ass okay just give me my phone back."
"Why? Whos's more important than me?" he joked.
"Ugh, my mom. Now give it!" I say, hurriedly reaching for the phone in his clutch.
"No way." he says, switching positions so i was up against the kitchen counter.
As cliché as it sounds, my heart stopped. It was silent for a few seconds. I stared in his grey-blue eyes while he stares into my emerald green ones. We were so close, like, really, really close. So close I could feel his breath on my face and it was, surprisingly not bad.
I need to say something, like, right now. But I can not stutter, and I need to get this blush under control. Come on Emilia, say something! Ug-
"You know, if this was some cliché movie, you would probably be kissing me already, you know. with how close you are." Great Em. Point it out.
"Well I'm not a big fan of Clichès but, Ugh. I'm thinking about it." he smirked. I felt him begin to lean in, so did I.
Oh boy!
"Hey! Don't know what you two are doing in there so long, but since you're in there. We Need Chips and Soda!" that was James voice. Great timing Lesley, just great.
"Oh come on Emmett!"
"What the f*ck Emmett!"
"Your a dead man Emmett!"
"Yeah, so dead"
That was Hannah, McKenna, Noah and me. We were screaming at the tv while watching the movie Switched at Birth, when Emmett cheated on Bay with Simone.
"Wow, you girls really take this movie seriously." Ace chuckles from his position of the floor, leaning his head on my knee.
"Ofcourse we do!" I begin. "I rooted for that guy. First he chose Bay over Daphne, I said "Fine, Okay" then he switched Daphne's photo collage for Bay's, I said "Whatever" And now he pulls this shit?" I then turn towards the tv and shout. "I hope you meet in an accident with that bike of yours!. Douche." I muttered the last part.
I hear Ace laugh this time, like LaUgH instead of chuckle and all the others looked at him in shock. I did not get it, so I just broke the silence.
"I swear, all guys are pigs." I mutter, but loud enough for everyone to hear. I felt Ace tense at my sentence.
(Hah. see what I did there. Sen-Tense. No? okay...)
"Except for Noah. He, is the exception." Hailey and I smile.
"What about me?" Ace asks, looking up at me and mocking hurt.
I gently pat his head. "No worries Ace, You, are a special kind of pig." I laugh.
"And you, are a special kind of Crazy." he smirks. What is up with these bad boys and their smirking?.
"I am not, Crazy."
"But you are."
"I am not."
"Yes you are."
"Am not."
"You are."
"You Are."
"Am no-"
"Wow, and I thought Ace and I, argued like an old married couple." Noah mumbles, causing the rest of the group to laugh, except Ace and I. After the laughing died down everyone continued watching the movie but I was too focused on the feeling of Ace's hair brushing against my knee. I went to remove it but he gripped on to my ankle, keeping my foot into place while he rested the side of his head on my knee.
After that, there was silence and no movement except Noah and Hailey making out on their loveseat. That caused Ace to look up at me and smirk before suggesting.
"Wanna make out too?"
"What? No!" then I slapped the back of his head.
It was 11:40pm. We all made a bet to see who could stay up longest to be the first to tell me "Happy Birthday". So far, only Ace, Hannah and James were up.
"I can't do this guys, I'm out" Hannah yawn before getting up and going to what I assume is one of the guest rooms.
Scratch that. Only Ace and James were up.
"Looks like it's just you and me, Lesley." Ace teases. He was sitting on the couch now, with me in between Him and James.
James looks at me in disbelief. "You told him?" he yells.
"What? Ofcourse not." I yell.
"Then how'd he know my middle name?"
"I do not know, maybe the guy is a psychic or something."
"You two Shut up. James, I've known your middle name ever since you moved here" Ace explains. "How, is none of your business." he was sitting
"Whatever man." I could tell he was sleepy, more sleepy than Ace.
11:50, let's do this.
I sigh before lifting my feet up to James lap and hesitantly leaning on Ace's shoulder.
"I knew you wanted me." he teases, pulling my head in his lap. My cheeks heat up for a moment before I reply.
"In you dreams fruity." I snap.
"You're right actually. But in my dreams you do so much more that just -wanting- me." he smirks.
"Creep" I say, slapping his chest.
"You know, you look great from this angle." Ace smiles.
I had to double check to see if he was actually smiling, but it was gone as fast as it came.
"Yeah right." I say. Truth is, I knew I was beautiful, not to exaggerate or anything, But I was the exact replica of my mother when she was my age. Only, difference was that I got my father's hair. My mother had Blonde hair and emerald green eyes while my father had Brown hair and hazel eyes.
"No, I'm being serious. You are beautiful." that made me blush. Seriously with the amount of blushing I have done today, I am surprised my skin hasn't caught on fire.
"Thanks." I smile. We sat in comfortable silence for a couple of seconds before he breaks it.
"12:00 am." he says before surprising me with a peck on the lips. Yup you read right. The freaking lips.
I gave him a questioning look and was about to protest when he replies by saying.
"Happy Birthday."
Oh crap! It -is- my birthday. I am freakin' eighteen.
I sat up to look in James direction to see that he was fast asleep.
"Looks like you won." I say. "And thank you."
"I have an idea what I want my prize to be." he gives me a suggestive look. I knew what he ment and I made no move to stop him, when he began to lean in. His lips were so close to mine, they were practically brushing against each other.
When all of a frickin' sudden.
-I can name a couple ways, baby, this shit might go
You just might forget that this was what you're gettin' hyped for
Late at night, do the things to him, mean that guy who
Need someone who's sweet enoug-
I picked up my phone and sighed when I saw my mother contact pop up on my screen.
"Sorry, I have to take this." I say to Ace. He nodded and I made my way to the kitchen.
"Madre! Ciao" I greet my mother.
[ITALIAN: Mother! Hello"]
"Ciao amore, Happy Birthday!" She exclaims. I smile at my phone before switching it to Facetime.
"Thank you mother."
"I have some people who wants to talk to you." she smiles before handing the phone to my sleepy siblings.
"Ehi Ale, Alessa, come stai?" I greet enthusiastically.
[ITALIAN: Hey Ale, Alessa , how are you?]
"We are great. Happy birthday Emmy." they both yell in unison.
"Thank you guys" I smile at them.
"Hey Em. Happy birthday." Alex greets.
"Thanks Al. What are you guys doing up? it is like 6am there." I ask.
"Yeah, we wanted to wish you a happy birthday." Alex replies.
"Well thanks, but you kids need to get to bed. Especially the twins." I say.
"Thought you would never ask." Alex laughs. "Night, or morning Em."
"Night, sis" The twins say in unison. You know that -really- terrifies me sometimes.
"Okay, bye, I love you guys." I smile, blowing them kisses then hanging up.
When I headed back to the living room, Ace was already passed out on the couch. I covered him with a blanket before pourting at the sight.
"Even when you are asleep, you still look hot." I mutter. He stirred in his sleep before getting comfortable in the blanket. I smile and make my way towards my guest room.
"Happy Birthday to me" I smile.