41 REIGN OF EMILIA- About Christian


"Believe me Em. There is nothing going on between Becky and me. Sh*t- see? I can't even get her name right! Trust me, she came on to me."


"So. Just to be clear. There is not anything between you and that bimbo is there?"

"Yes, there is actually."

"The hell?"

"-A f*cking invisible brick wall."


"So what about...f*ck. How do you say that in German?" Ace asks. He and Em were still laying naked in her bed. Yet it's been hours.

Seriously...their libido is through the roof.

"Scheiße" Emilia informs.

"Scheiße." Ace repeats. He takes a few seconds to think, before continuing. "Well then...I want to Scheiße you. Over and over and over..."

And over and over. We get it Ace. You're a rabbit.

Emilia laughs at his silliness. "That is not how you say it though. It is Ich will dich ficken."

Ace smirks in achievement. "Me too."

Em chuckles at him before switching to a more comfortable position. "So, tell me something."

"Like what?" Ace questions.

"Hmm. What is your biggest fear?"

"Why would I tell you that? It is, my biggest fear after all." Ace says, running his hand up her back.

"I could just order you to tell me. I am technically your future queen after all, since I will be ruling Europe and you are Italian." Emilia smirks.

"Ooh, I'm banging the queen of Europe." Ace gives Em a smug look.

"Ew, that would be my mother, but you are, however banging the future queen of Europe." Emilia giggles. "Answer the questions."

"Or else what?" Ace challenges.

Emilia gives him a mischievous smirk. "If you do..." she pauses, leaning down to whisper a few seductive words into his ear, and immediately, Ace give in.

"Okay fine. It's vulnerability."

Em raises an eyebrow. "Vulnerability?"

"Yes. I think that's why we would've never worked out. Cause I was vulnerable around you." Ace admits.

"Are you not vulnerable around me now?"

"This time it's different." Ace says.

No it isn't. They both know it isn't.

"Okay. What is your favorite pick up line?" Emilia asked changing the subject.

"Are you the only one that gets to ask questions?" Ace asks back.

Emilia shrugs. "Fine. Twenty questions, I will start. What is your favourite pick up line?" She asks again.

Ace sighs, giving in.

He always does. For her.

"I don't have one. Believe it or not. I don't use pick up lines."

Emilia pulls away from him in surprise. "What? Bad boy Mr. King does not use pick up lines? That is a first."

"Not because I f*ck around doesn't mean I use pick up lines. That sh*t is way too cheesy, I can't believe girls swoon over that." Ace laughs.

"I don't swoon over it." Emilia says.

"Yeah, that's because you aren't an ordinary girl." Ace pauses before adding with a smirk. "You're an alien of course."

Emilia gasps and snatches the pillow from under his head and using it to hit him in the face. "As*hole."


"I mean he is so hot, I could die of third degree burns." some girl gossips.

"Yeah, he's almost as hot as Ace." another girl responds

"Almost." says girl number three.

"Speaking of Ace, he was totally checking me out earlier, but, I'm not surprised. They always come running one way or another." the first girl brags. Which is funny, since she's practically built like a bamboo stick without the lumps.

Emilia couldn't help but chuckle at the girl's stupidity. There's only one girl Ace comes running to, and it's her. Not that they would know.

And what is up with this new guy? Em thought. She'd been hearing everyone gossiping about him since the day before, yet she has yet to see the guy, it is a pretty big school.

He's probably not even that good looking anyway.

Emilia makes her way into the cafeteria and immediately sits with her friends.

"-I know right, he is hot." Hailey gushes.

"Babe." Noah complains with puppy eyes, looking at his girlfriend.

Hailey immediately reassures her boyfriend with a kiss to his cheek. "Don't worry babe. He'd never be as hot as you."

"Hey Em. Have you seen the new guy? Smoking am I right?" McKenna asks.

"You guys too? And no, I have not seen him. Why are you guys making such a big deal out of it? He is, just a guy." Emilia rolls her eyes, muttering the last part.

"Just a guy? Just a guy? Pfft. He looks like a freaking model Em. Straight out a magazine." McKenna fawned. No one had ever heard McKenna curse before, she rarely even said the word 'freaking'. She was the type of person who seemed perfectly innocent, with a cherry that has not even come close to popping. Many would think she's the baby of the group, and to think, she says she doesn't want to be in any relationship because she found more excitement in sex.

Anyways. Back to the conversation. What? is Kenny the main character now?

"I mean seriously..." McKenna turns to Ace. "Seems Ace has got some competition."

"I'm not competing with anyone. Whoever this guy is, I'm sure he isn't a threat." Ace glances at Em for a split second. "If he is. Then I'll just kill him. Problem solved."

"Do you solve all your problems by killing people?" Emilia asks.

Ace turns to look at her again, before asking in Italian so no one could understand. "Tu no?" [Don't you?] causing Em to shrug, thinking he had a point.

"W- I still don't understand how Em is cool with this. I mean, finding out that your friend kills people and traffic drugs for a living. Doesn't it freak you out?" Hannah asks.

"What are you? My therapist?" She jokes.

"In the future, maybe." Hannah says in seriousness. "Who knows, I might help bring you and Ace back together."

Too late for that Hannah.

"Anyways. I am so bored these days, what do you guys wanna do?" Hannah asks, before stuffing her face with a slice of pizza.

Everyone at the tables shrugs, mumbling a low "I don't know."

Hannah rolls her eyes I annoyance. "Come on, we have to do something, especially since we didn't celebrate your birthday." she says, nodding her head towards Ace.

"Wait a second, your birthday passed? When?" Emilia asks in surprise.

"November 15th." Hailey mutters when she realized that Ace wasn't going to speak up.

"A month ago?" Why did you not say anything?" Emilia asks hitting, throwing a French fry at Ace's face.

Ace catches the fry in his mouth before saying: "I don't like celebrating my birthday, that's all. It's not a really big deal."

"Not a big deal? It is your birthday, dumbass, it is suppose to be the most important day of the year for you." Emilia rolls her eyes, causing Ace to have flashbacks of the last time she rolled her eyes, but it was for an entirely different reason.

Now is not the time Ace.

"Your a scorpio guy. That explains why you are so dark and broody all the time." Emilia chuckles.

"You believe that sh*t?" Ace asks.

"Not entirely, but some of the things makes a lot of sense."

"No it doesn't." Ace bites, causing Em to roll her eyes again, causing Ace's jaw to clench.

"Hey! There he is!" One very annoying girl screams. Her voice echoing throughout the whole cafeteria. Soon whispers followed.

"Hot isn't he?"

"You bet he is."

"I would definitely take a bite out of that a*s."

The last one caused Emilia to cringe a little. "What is it this time?"

"It's the guy, we were talking about. Look." Hailey says, pointing towards the cafeteria entrance and lo and behold, a tall, and fairly handsome guy walks through the doors, almost as dramatic as Ace.

"You must be f*cking kidding me." Emilia mutters.

"Do you know him?"

The boy strides right over to their table, an army of girls in tow. He looks Emilia straight in the eye and winks at her.

Flashbacks of this same face floods Emilia's mind.


"Schön, Sie kennenzulernen, Hoheit" [TRANSLATE to GERMAN- Nice to meet you, your Highness. The handsome lad greeted.] Bowing with respect, like the gentleman Emilia once thought he was.


"Liebling, willst du eines Tages heiraten?" [Darling, do you want to get married one day?] Emilia asked, as she danced with the man she loved.

"Natürlich mein Liebling. Ich werde niemanden außer dir heiraten." [Of course, my love. I will marry no one else, but you.] The boy kisses Emilia's forehead, and Emilia smiles with glee.


"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dies tun möchten?" [Are you sure you want to do this?] He asked as if he was the kindest man on earth, but he was the completely opposite of what Emilia thought he was.

Emilia nods in consent. Giving herself completely to the boy she thought she would spend the rest of her life with.

But she was weak back then, and naive, and oblivious. But most importantly...

She was wrong.


"Wie konntest du mir das antun!? Ich dachte du liebst mich!" [How could you do this to me!? I though you loved me!] Emilia screams at the boy she just caught in bed with an other girl. A girl that wasn't her. A girl that way Adelaide Bennett.

"Was hast du erwartet!? Häh? Du bist die ganze Zeit so schwach! Wie bist du so dumm? Ich kann nicht glauben, dass ich sogar so getan habe, als würde ich dich mögen." [What did you expect!? Huh? You are so weak all the time! How are you so stupid? I can not believe I even pretended to like you. ]

The son of a bitch yelled at her. With tears rolling down her cheeks, Emilia realized that it was all a game. Him pretending to be in love with her. Him being her first boyfriend. Her first kiss. Him taking her virginity. It was all a game to him, and she obviously lost that game.

×End of Flashback×

Emilia looks at the boy she once thought she loved, all those years ago. The boy who played her. The boy who lead her to be the same, cold hearted bitch she is today.

"Christian f*cking Greyson."