Chapter Two - Rebirth Program

I tried going back to sleep. More than a few times, when I could stop myself from hyperventilating and screaming my lungs raw. Yet I woke up again, and again, in my room—except it wasn't really mine. Hours passed by, my initial assumption that this was a dream was proven false time after time.

I had the same thoughts going through my mind.

Thought one: This can't be happening.

Thought two: this is happening.

Thought three: what the fuck is going on here?

Sure, I had a lot on my mind, but my main concern at the moment was figuring out how to deal with the fact that I possibly woke up a different universe. The big blue stupid fucking screen was still buzzing with excitement, it reappeared in front of me no matter how many times I tried to swat it away.

I stared at the screen in front of me. I'll be honest and say it took me a moment to process that.

[Welcome to the Rebirth Program!]

[Would you like to continue?]

[Y / N]

I tentatively pressed the yes button and waited with baited breath for something to happen.

Another screen popped up.

I almost fell off my bed.

[Please choose a new name for yourself.]

[_|_ _ _ _ _ _ __]

A blank space above a floating keyboard-like screen hovered over my hands.

I looked around my room—it was a simply decorated room, furnished with only the basic necessities, with a bed, a spacious wooden desk next to bookshelves and a tall wardrobe. It was my room—yet not. There were subtle differences, fantasy novels and comic books were replaced with mathematics and physics books. And other stuff that I'd never even imagined. And everything was in fucking Japanese.

A thought popped up in the back of my mind.

Everything in my room was in Japanese, so it was a far assumption that I was most likely in Japan. So, I decided to choose a Japanese name for myself. I stared at the floating keyboard before doubling down on the name I picked.

['Nishihara (Last name) Tadashi (First name) was selected.]

[Would you want to continue?]

[Y / N]

I pressed the Yes button once more, to be frank, I had honestly no idea what the name meant or what kanji—or whatever fucking alphabet was needed to write it. I simply thought it looked cool.

[Please choose a fiction character as your avatar.]

I looked back at the mirror on my wall, I had white hair and blue eyes already, there was no need to think too much on who I'd like to look. I typed in the name of my chosen character. The keyboard made no sound when I typed in a letter but buzzed ever so slightly.

[Gojo Satoru (Program detected: Jujutsu Kaisen Model v.1.0.8) was selected.]

[Would you want to continue?]

[Y / N]

I pressed yes once more and waited for a second before multiple boxes appeared in front of me.

[Please choose up to three different Innate Abilities]

[ Please note, that for certain abilities you will only awaken them after completing certain specifications.]

[Please understand that the more abilities you choose, the longer the synchronization will take, and the requirement for unlocking their full potential will be much higher, as well as the requirements to use your chosen abilities simultaneously.]


Misdirection -

You naturally hard to notice so you can use a playing technique using that "invisibility". You push the opponents to focus their attention to someone else and then steps in unexpectedly. When the opponent can't see you, it is much easier to steal the ball. Misdirection is a technique that fools the opponent's senses.

Specification: None.

(Additionally, you may develop more techniques revolving around your "invisibility".)

Emperor Eye -

You are capable of observing every movement of your opponent, thus predicting the opponent's next move. The Emperor Eye when used at its maximum potential, displays a glowing ring around the iris of the eye. The eyes can see the smallest details of a person's movements, including their breathing, heartbeat, sweat, muscle contractions, etc. With this, you can time your actions perfectly to nullify one opponent's movements, sabotaging whatever tactics the opponent tries to execute. All offenses are predicted beforehand and all defenses crumble before your eyes.

Specification: Long term observation of the human body.

(Additionally, depending on how you develop Emperor Eye before you awaken it, you may have more than the given ability by the Rebirth Program.)

Perfect Copy -

You can copy every single move you have ever seen. The difference to your physical abilities and the abilities of the original user of the skill are neglected and you are capable of copying anyone, even the Generation of Miracles. To use High Level moves, you have to fill the missing element the original user has with your own.

Specification: None.

Hawk Eye -

You can see the court from a different perspective. This way, you can determine the position of the players immediately. With your Hawk-Eye, you can see the entire court, enabling you to make blind passes, steals, and blind baskets.

Specification: Long term court observation.

Animal Instincts -

You possess and have mastered the control of your animal instinct. This enhances your five senses, your reflexes, and overall physical ability.

Specification: Long term physical practice.

(Additionally, depending on your physical performance, habits, and personality, your animal may differ resulting in different abilities.)

Ultimate Route Foresight -

You can see passing, blocking and stealing routes. You sees copy images of yourself on the court performing different actions, allowing you to decide what to do.

Specification: Long term pattern observation.

God-Speed Impulse -

You can continuously move at superhuman speed and have supernatural reflexes. You are able to explosively take off and move from a neutral position and reach top speed immediately. You can use this ability to learn complex physical manoeuvres in a short time. This ability extends to practically anything, from driving a car to riding a bike. However, this ability has a fatal weakness; it only works if you can see a physical movement.

Specification: Long term physical practice.

Pinpoint Accuracy -

A prominent and praised skill that allows you the ability to accurately determine a ball's trajectory and shooting it to an exact point. Combined with the fact that you can throw, pass from any angle at incredible speeds, this makes you almost impossible for most of your opponents to predict and counter your moves. When used at its maximum potential you will see a crosshair where ever you want to send to ball to.

Specification: Long term shooting practice.

Hypermobility -

A unique and most outstanding quirk that grants you abnormally flexible wrists, which can bend until your palms are touching your forearms. This allows you to add a particularly brutal spin to your passes and shoots, making them difficult to block and steal, even if one is positioned correctly, the ball will still ricochet wildly leading to the outside of the court.

Specification: None.

(Your teammates have no problem catching the ball, this only works on your opponent.)

Belial Eye-

You can see the entire future of the court, including the positions of yourself, your teammates and your opponents, in order to determine the best play. The eyes can see the smallest details of a person's movements, including their breathing, heartbeat, sweat, muscle contractions, etc. With this, you can time your actions perfectly to nullify your opponents' movements, sabotaging whatever tactics the opponents try to execute. When used at its maximum potential, the ability displays a glowing ring around the iris of the eye.

Specification: Long term court observation.

(Additionally, depending on how you develop your Belial Eye you may have more than the ability given by the Rebirth Program.)



I was speechless.

I gaped, open mouth, my jaw was close to touching the floor at this point, the System didn't even need to specify where I was for me to understand, I knew exactly what this was, but the sheer possibility that it was in fact, what I believed it to be, was near impossible.

Have you ever made to yourself that random promise that if you were isekai'd you'd live your life to the fullest or some other bullshit?

Yeah, this was happening to me now. And I had no clue as to how to proceed. I mean, I know what to do if a building was on fire and whatnot—but I never followed a course on surviving in a fictional world.

How To Survive in Another World! Now with 101 new tips and tricks!


My throat went dry—my palms felt clammy.

My mind was going numb. Shit. Shit. Shit.

The panic was settling in.

I was in the world of Kuroko No Basket. A fictional universe.

I'll be completely honest with you, and say I most likely sat there on my bed in a daze, staring at the display for a few hours.

"This is madness," I muttered under my breath.

I had a headache and my body was still in pain. I got up once more, my feet ached beneath me, my legs warbled, and my arms tensed. I felt my side burn with the exertion. Sweat dribbled down my forehead.

I slowly walked over to the window, and opened the shutters to let in some light. Then, I stared at the landscape outside my window after having swatted away the System Prompts for the hundredth time.

It was a mesmerizing sight.

I was in Tokyo. There was simply no doubt about it. I lived in the city of London, in a tall apartment complex whose only good side was its view. But I'm pretty sure there never was any Japanese landscape out there a few days ago.

I could see the city from here as well, it was huge. There were towers, extremely tall towers and buildings that surpassed any skyscraper I've ever seen. On the sides of the buildings were logos I'd never heard of—some were familiar, not in the sense they were from my world—universe, or whatever. But—I don't know—it's like a déjà vu.

The city streets were crowded, I could faintly hear the buzz of chatter of the street below. People talking, and walking by. There was a café nearby as well, with a terrasse outside.

The cars roared and honked. Nothing seemed amiss, really—if I were to close my eyes.

I rubbed my face with my hands—thinking.

Was this a dream? Was I simply in a coma or a vegetative state? I mean, I was hit by a truck. It's logical, I was hit by a truck—I'm supposed to be in a hospital bed or in a freezer underneath that hospital—not in another universe or some shit.

I took deep breaths and calmed down. Now was not to think of that—whether real or not. Yet, I was still glad for it—even if it were nothing but a dream, at least, even for a moment—I escaped and was free.

I opened my eyes and watched the birds flying high in the sky—far into the distance from my window.

I clenched my fist and encouraged myself, "I'm free. Even if it's for a moment, I'll live how I want to live and I'll do my best." My stomach felt lighter, no longer churning—maybe it was just the adrenaline. This new world, fictional or not—it meant the everything to me. It doesn't matter if it's all happening inside my head, because that doesn't make it any less real to me.

I closed my eyes and felt the breeze on the skin of my face. I felt content—for a few minutes.

Then the System Prompt beeped and reappeared.

'Fuck,' I sighed.

I ignored my cramps and went back to sit on my bed, where my brain when into overdrive, thinking over each option and weighing the pros and cons of each.

"What to choose..." I muttered. "Perfect Copy is a must, Kise was already the best of the Generation of Miracles during the movie. It would also help me learn any physical movements without effort. It'd help me go far in life no matter what I do, heck I could even become Task Master if I wanted to."

I laughed out-loud at the thought, I don't know why such an overpowered ability was given freely.

"God-speed Impulse as well is a must, it would probably make me the fastest player and can react to basically anything. And finally... Belial Eye,I think it was that American dude that used it to see everyone's movement at the same time to predict the future," I said.

I selected the abilities I wanted, choosing the maximum limit of three, it only meant I'd need to spend more time developing my gifts than others.

[Perfect Copy, God-speed Impulse, Belial Eye were selected]

[Would you like to continue?]

[Y / N]

I pressed yes a final time, and then, a new prompt appeared.

[Please enjoy your new life, memories of your character shall appear shortly.]

Wait what—

A rush of memories flooded my brain at that moment.

In my mind, I could recall hundreds— no, perhaps even thousands of events that had never occurred in my life. Emotions, images, thoughts, dreams, experiences, names, people, faces, books, languages, school— pain.


I screamed.


I collapsed.