A Desperate Last Stand

The Duke of Burgundy stood alongside the King of Naples. The two men had gathered what remained of their armies and met the forces of the Reich in the field. It was a bold move, but a suicidal one. Frankly, after everything they had witnessed in this war, they had lost all hope of victory. However, rather than surrender to Germany and its Kaiser, they decided to make one last stand outside the city of Naples. 

King Balsamo Corsini ground his teeth as he gazed into the distance and witnessed the German Army and their allies marching into the region. He knew he was going to die on this day, but he would be damned if he did so without a fight. Berengar von Kufstein had taken everything from him in the Austrian War for independence. Ever since he witnessed the sacking of Florence, he had lost all strength as a leader and a man.