Zara Meets a Man Part I

The day after Ghazi's wedding, Berengar and the majority of his family flew back to the Reich. The only members who had not done so would have been both Ghazi and Alexandros, who were preparing to return to their respective realms.

With the annexation of Morocco and Tlemcen. The Iberian Empire had taken its first real step into a becoming a true Empire. They now had a solid hold over the western half of North Africa, and though there was much that needed to be done in terms of rebuilding Tlemcen into a proper Iberian province. Ghazi now held a sizeable Empire of his own. 

If there was one major concern that Ghazi now had to deal with as a result of his recent annexations. It was the fact that practically overnight, the Muslim minority in the Iberian Empire had now become the majority, and this majority would only increase with each further conquest of an Arab state.