New Advancements in Military Technology

Over the past twenty-odd years, the Armed Forces of the German Reich, along with the infamous Reichsgarde, had grown increasingly more powerful. Currently, Berengar was inspecting his troops, who were stationed within the borders of the fatherland, as well as their latest equipment. 

Many years had passed since Germany fought and won its war against the Empire of Japan, and during that time, the German Armed Forces had a technological capability on par with late-war Germany during the second world war of Berengar's past life.

But over twenty years had passed since then, and the direction that Berengar took with the development of arms was a mixture of soviet, and western doctrine. After all, Berengar had a lifetime of knowledge of what worked, and what did not, and thus he was able to steer development in a way that simply did not waste resources and funding.