Character Info: Ace, Levi, Fenton

Acheus Titanium "Ace"

Born Acheus Tirinus des Metalla, but like a lot of immigrants his name was horribly "translated". He doesn't mind but his dad did but just didn't bother doing much of anything about it because it's another one of those things they were used to dealing with when immigrating.

The main character!

He's a forgetful red-head who likes sports, the dudes, the ladies. He has a four star evolutionary ability, the rarest of abilities...but he's lazy and a himbo so his ability hasn't evolved because he's concerned with dating and arguing people about baseball and the latest hoverboard championship as if he's a sports news caster.

Basic Info

Date/Place of Birth: July 4th. Born on the Planet of Ionadis.

Stepmother: Amara Tirinus, deceased.

Brother: Aegean Tirinus, deceased, age 5

Adopted by Tyreceus.

Cadet/student at Slater Academy for the Defense Program, a private company that trains superheroes. Ace is very bad at his job, his ability hasn't evolved since he started training

Lives on Earth, Western Sector, in the town of New Springfield.

Physical Description

Height: 5 ft 11

Weight: 160 lbs

Race: Ionadian Alien

Hair and eye color: Red hair, blue eyes

Style of dress: Relaxed style of clothes, likes to wear white, black, and red.

Social Class: Upper Middle Class, almost near wealthy

Very deep voice

Right handed

Aura color: Black

Most likely for the manga version of the story, I will draw him much differently. Most readers have told me they imagine Ace to look "cute", for whatever hilarious reason, LOL

Likes/ Favorite Things

Favorite color is red

Favorite food is pancakes, chocolate milk, and Ronnie's mom's pumpkin pie

Anything to do with being on a team (because of his fear of not fitting in), loves sports, travelling, and the outdoors

Likes beer, but cant handle his alcohol. That doesn't stop him from drinking though... lol...


Reading, he's impatient

Flashy people

Disgusted by the smell of rain due a traumatic event that happened while it was rained

Self Image

Greatest strength is that he's so stupid it turns into bravery.

Greatest weakness is that he's dumb. He won't try something new until someone suggests it to him.

Is extroverted, messy, carefree, optimistic, makes jokes at inappropriate times

Deals with his problems thru dating and sex

Spoiled thanks to being pretty close to rich and because his dad spoils him

Self-conscious and subconsciously dates people who he perceives as being more powerful than him, either personality wise or physically

Extremely friendly but doesn't handle rejection well and tries to get people to like him when it's clear they don't. His fear of rejection affects all parts of his life. Because of it he's still friends with most of his ex boyfriends and girlfriends

Quirks, Mannerisms, Strange Habits

Doesn't say goodbye when hanging up the phone

Doesn't keep people's names on his caller ID. Fenton, his best friend is listed as TALL CELERY STALK.

Laughs when nervous, confusing and offending people in serious situations and fumbles with his bracelet, arms, and hands

Can do difficult tasks, but if something is too simple he can't do it because his mind wanders. Example: Cannot boil spaghetti because he forgets its on the stove, but he can fry eggs because requires his attention. Is a horrible cook

Very good at stealing

Beliefs and Opinions

Fears are not fitting in, rejection, being alone

He's a Novite but isn't religious.

Conservative by Earth standards, but liberal by his own culture's

No qualms about sex. In his own culture, sex is not shameful, but aspects of masculinity are, which feeds into his shame about his attraction to men.

Will kill and not think twice if it's self defense.

Believes the worst thing a person could do is hurt a child

Believes that in life some people are successful because they're born lucky or blessed. Influenced by his culture

Is very emotionally honest

Hates those filthy freckled freaks.


Fenton Wong

Fenton Wong is Ace's best friend and is of Chinese descent. Their families are close, they've known each other since they were 10 years old. He calls Ace's dad Uncle Ty. He's the youngest, has 6 older sisters and an estranged older brother. His mom is super protective and his father bounced long ago. Fenton's mom keeps asking when he's going to finish school, when he's coming back home, when he's going to find a nice guy to bring back home, etc.

He pretends he hates it but he gets jealous when she dotes over Ace.

All of these factors make him much more mature for his age but thankfully Ace helps him loosen up a little bit.


Basic Info

Date/Place of Birth: September 1st, Earth

Mother: Yue-Lian Wong

Cadet/student at Slater Academy for the Defense Program, a private company that trains superheroes. Is very good at his job and at school!

Lives on Earth, Western Sector, in the town of New Springfield, and is Ace's roommate

Is a four star evolutionary psychic, with his ability fully evolved and is one of the most adept, but his ability is extremely hard to master and control

Basic Stats

Height: 5 ft 6. Grows taller later on

Weight: 140 lbs

Race: Earthian Astral

Hair and eye color: Black hair with a bluish tint, dark brown eyes

Style of dress: Relaxed style of clothes, he likes to wear black

Social Class: middle class

high pitched voice

Right handed

Aura color: Purple


Favorite color: black

Favorite food is fried fish and eggs. He's a really good cook because his mom owns a restaurant and taught him how to cook.

Ace is his favorite person, obviously. Ace is emotionally honest and open. Fenton has trust issues, but he never doubts Ace because he rarely lies unless he's embarrassed about something.

The field of robotics. Goes to Slater Academy for free college tuition later on. Wants a PhD in robotics... which in the future is a license to use giant robots.

Likes reading, hoverboard, videogames, camping and astronomy. Ace has a viewing deck on his house they use to watch stars through a telescope

Loves history, hilarious because Ace hates it. Makes Fenton sad b/c he doesn't go to museums with him sometimes :(

Has a crush on Santos. Is it because he's handsome, because he does whatever he wants, or both?


"I don't like FaKe PeOpLe", says the guy who reads peoples minds because he's a paranoid fuck, LOL

He hates that people assume he is sexually or romantically interested in Ace. They've been friends for eight years... its not happening. Kissing Ace would be like kissing his brother.

Hates Levi with a passion. He thinks Levi only wants to sleep with Ace because he can't sort out his own feelings with his sexuality. Finds it weird that they're kind of into each other even though Levi's always rude to the both of them

hates that no one listens to his valid concerns throughout the story. He's one of the characters that isn't absolutely fucking nuts, but a sane man surrounded by insanity is perceived as being crazy.

Haircuts. He waits until it gets into his eyes to cut his hair. Wierd because he's a neat person concerning everything else in his life.

Self Image

Greatest strength is that he has a good eye for details. In situations he is wary of people, pointing out their suspicious behavior and even discerning enemies when others cannot. He's not smarter than average, he's just really good at finding an easier way to do things

His greatest weakness is that b/c he tries to find the easiest way to solve a problem he sometimes does things that cause bigger problems later down the road than if he just did it the proper way

Since he has trust issues he doesn't date often, but he's more serious about his relationships

Has fewer friends but closer relationships

High self-confidence due to a strong family connection and good childhood

Blunt, has a bit of a caretaker mentality, and loves to help others

Quirks, Mannerisms, Strange Habits

Mind reads people all the time b/c he has serious trust issues since his dad left his family when he was young. Sometimes people's thoughts are "loud" and slip in and he learns nasty things about others

Ace and him like to roast each other for fun

Disgusted by Ace's sugar addiction but eats eggs like he gets paid to

his catch phrase is I don't like fake people, esp. when angry

Beliefs and Opinions

Doesn't trust people who are married and don't have kids. Fenton has a giant family... why don't they have kids? What's wrong with them? Fenton's just paranoid.

Wants to get married and have a lot of kids but never mentions it because that's "things that girls like", and feels silly about it

Is an atheist and celebrates some parts of his culture's traditions

Fear of betrayl

Only willing to kill in self-defense or during conflict, actively questions authority

Believes that in life people can only get so far through hard work and those that have it good never even know it. Influenced by working his butt off to get into the Academy and being surrounded by rich idiots afterward


Leviathan Asher Slater "Levi"

Levi is a big guy who is emotionally stunted. He hides his fragile masculinity behind a curtain of anger and is the poster child of why pray away the gay camps don't work. Has a giant crush on Ace and refuses to admit it until years later.

He's the son of the CEO of Slater Academy, and is a lot smarter than he seems, loyal, and if he weren't so deep in the closet that he had a hanger up his ass he would be like-able.

Sadly he isn't.

He's not good nor bad at his job, but everyone in his group is so dumb Levi is qualified to lead them, but only because he's the least stupid person in a sea of idiots.

Levi controls electricity.

Date/Place of Birth: December 7th. Place of Birth Unknown.

Mother: Delilah Slater

Father: Maximillian Slater

Sister: Sara Slater, formerly Michael William Slater IV

Occupation: First Cadet/student at Slater Academy.

His extended family, in total, is about 70 people, because he has 13 aunts and uncles, numerous cousins, etc. His family is super religious, influenced by their grandfather, Michael William Slater. They're all exorbitantly rich, coasting off the legacy of Michael, the savior of Earth from the Regal Empire. He had the ability to control reality with his voice and almost all of his descendants have terrifying or rare abilities.

Basic Stats

Height: 6 ft 4

Weight: 221 lbs Levi's not overweight, just got lots of muscles

Race: Earthian Astral

White hair, red eyes. Wears blue eye contacts. He's an albino

Social Class: The kind that you're not aware of because they control your life

Deep voice

Right handed

Aura color: lime green

Quirks, Mannerisms, Strange Habits

Inhales food at Mach speed w/o getting anything on his clothes, a talent that disturbs anyone who witnesses the unholy act

Talks in his sleep. Like, full blown conversations with himself

Control freak.

habitual/ compulsive liar. sometimes lies so he can have something to confess about at church

Is always hungry. The man is a bottomless vacuum. Used to be fat when he was 12 and now works out so he can eat whatever he wants

Shame of his sexuality resulted in weird habits. Only sleeps 4 hours a day once he was told he talked in his sleep so people wouldn't learn his secrets.

Works out so he can look "manly", but he's always tired, so he's constantly upset from being tired.

Only sleeps 8 hours and doesn't work out on Sundays b/c "its the day of rest".

Keeps buying books when he hasn't finished the ones he already owns

Subconsciously copies all the habits of his father, using manipulative and psychopathic tactics to get what he wants, even though he hates his father

Beliefs and Opinions

Has Deep Catholic Guilt

Feels shame about his attraction to men thanks to his dad. No one else cares that he might be gay except for his dad, but Levi cares what his dad thinks of him the most, even though his father is a total sociopath

Truly believes he is morally obligated to protect other people because he is the grandson of Michael Slater, the hero of Earth.

Believes that astrals are "born blessed", another influence of being rich and his family

Listens to orders w/o question, has no problem killing people, willing to kill people outside the context of war or self-defense


His favorite person in the world is his big sister Sara. He calls her Sa-Sa, and they're close. His 2nd favorite person is his girlfriend Mary Jane, whom he'd rather go back to being friends with...

Football, travelling, nature, hoverboard, reading, and jogging

Favorite color: blue

Secretly smokes but is brazen about it once he's of legal age. Got it from his Dad

Coffee addiction

Loves costume parties and Halloween is his 2nd favorite holiday behind Christmas! Ironically all his costumes suck ass, lol

Can play the piano, and is very good at it! His huge gorilla grip hands definitely help, lol


Just like his grandfather, he only likes pure food. Most of the stuff he eats is organic and he's pretty serious about it.... Ironic that he smokes and is addicted to coffee, LOL

Hates alcohol, refuses to drink a drop and is usually pressured by people to drink. Hates drinking because he notices his father is slowly becoming an alcoholic

Doesn't like Fenton because he's one of the few people to call him out on his bullshit, lol

Milk and sweet things. Doesn't understand how Ace likes the two things

He and Ace would probably get along great at the begining of the story if he wasn't a giant meathead seeing as they have many hobbies in common.

Self Image

Greatest strength is that he's super smart but not flashy about it. He surprises many people by coming to fast conclusions. Since he's not a show off, many of his enemies underestimate his intelligence and take him for a giant, angry gorilla.

Greatest weakness is his emotional fragility. He is willing to lie continuously and sometimes endangers his own life and the lives of others instead of just telling the truth, resulting in many bad situations throughout the story

Becomes easily embarrassed. He's a soft man hidden underneath anger who doesn't even know himself because he's spent a long time hiding it