Alice immediately looked around in all directions in the room. Her tears immediately fell. Alice's hands quickly covered her open mouth to suppress the sound of crying that was about to come out.

In the corner of the room, Alice saw three large suitcases belonging to Alden which indicated that her lover had arrived there.

'Alden is home? But why didn't he come to see me at the clinic? And what did Alden do? Where is he now?'

Alice continued to wonder in her heart while tightly squeezing the red clothes in her hands, without taking her eyes off the men's underwear on the floor.

Before long, a beautiful young girl of Alice's age, came out of the bathroom wearing a white towel that only covered half of her body. with her long wet hair flowing down to make a sexy impression on the young woman's body visible.

Dena Zalya Reksa, Alice's adopted sister who grew up in Alice's family and is considered the golden child in the Reksa family.

"De-Dena?" Alice stammered while widening her eyes in disbelief.

While Dena just smiled as if laughing at Alice's surprise when she saw it.

With steps like a model walking swaying her sexy body, Dena approached Alice.

"Why? Are you surprised to see me here?" Dena snorted under Alice. Casually, Dena sat on the edge of Alden's bed which Alice usually used to rest.

"Don't cross your boundaries, Dena! What are you here for? You know clearly, this is Alden's apartment! Then what are you doing here?" Alice snapped at Dena.

"I know very well that this room belongs to Alden. Then, what are you doing here? I'm no different from you, Alice!" Dena reversed Alice's question.

"You have to keep your mouth shut and know yourself! I'm here because I have rights. I'm Alden's fiancée, and we're getting married soon! You're just a nuisance in my life, Dena! Alice snapped at Dena again.

"What? Do I have to keep my attitude? You call me a slut? Then what kind of woman are you? Aren't you ashamed to admit yourself as Alden's fiancé, huh?" Dena said aloud after being insulted by Alice's words.

"Married you say? Do not dream! You're not going to marry Alden. Don't think so highly of yourself after carrying an illegitimate child in your womb, Alice! The child does not belong to Alden. That child is the bastard son of another man who spent the night with you!"

Dena finished the sentence which left Alice dumbfounded. Like being struck by lightning in the middle of the day, Alice's soul was shaken with shock.

"Nonsense! This child belongs to Alden! Although I don't remember what happened that night, I'm sure I was with Alden and he admitted it to me too! Don't try to lie to me, Dena!" Alice denied Dena's words which sounded boastful.

"Nonsense? You and the baby in your womb that's real bullshit! You may not remember what happened that night, but please don't be stupid, Alice! How could Alden accept you who was dirty and tainted by another man? And again, you brought your betrayal to him by deciding to give birth to that illegitimate child!" Dena revealed a fact that Alice had not known since then.

Made Alice speechless with tears in her eyes without the sound of crying.

Meanwhile, Dena just smiled happily at Alice's stupid, still naive face.

"Realize your stupidity, Alice! Remember back, did you see the face you were with that night? Did you know for sure that it was Alden?" this time Dena's words made Alice's face pale, forcing her to remember what happened that night.

Alice thought about the truth that Dena said. The man that night didn't seem like Alden.

Alice remembers a little that the man's posture that night looked more manly and very different from the posture of Alden who was still a teenager like her.

And again, the perfume that smelled in her nose was different from the perfume that Alden used to wear.

Alice opened her eyes wide as her pale face and cold sweat started flowing from her forehead as she matched her memories with what Dena had just said.

"Remember which wild man you slept with that night? Are you sure you've spent the night with Alden?" Dena came closer and whispered in Alice's ear.

Alice's tears welled up on their own. She covered her open mouth while holding back tears, as her mind accepted all the words Dena said were the truth.

"S-So, the man that night wasn't Alden? And I didn't do that with Alden? Then who is the father of my baby?"

Alice was trying to balance her limp body. Tears were already streaming down her beautiful pale face. Slowly, Alice walked to the sofa beside her, trying to find some support for her trembling body.

"I'll be kind enough to reveal this secret to you now," said Dena as she crossed her arms over her chest and glared disdainfully at Alice.

"Do you remember when I gave you orange juice on our school farewell night?"

Alice's gaze turned to Dena. Her mind automatically replayed the situation that night again. At that time, Alice was waiting for Alden, who had not yet arrived at the hotel where their school was holding a farewell evening for students and teachers.

Alice was waiting for Alden outside, in front of the meeting hall door which seemed closed because of course the noise would come out if the door was left open.

Because Alden is only an alumnus of Dena and Alice's school, so Alden is not obliged to be present on time like other students. His presence is only to accompany his lover to enjoy a night of intimacy and farewell to her contemporaries.

Alice quietly waited while playing with her cell phone. The noise from the event was heard for a moment, as someone opened the door and exited the hall.

Alice turned and saw who was entering or leaving the door and there was Dena, an adopted sister who never liked her.

Seen by Alice, Dena brought two clear glasses filled with orange liquid. And Alice knew that it was orange juice, the drink the organizers provided at the event.

"Alden hasn't come yet? This is for you, have a drink!" asked Dena while handing a glass of juice in her hand to Alice, before Dena drank her juice.

"Thank you! Maybe the roads are busy, so Alden is a little late." Alice smiled, then drank the juice she had just received.

"Remember?" Dena approached Alice again with a satisfied face when she saw her sister panic.