Rose, who was very angry, immediately pointed the tip of her gun straight at Alfred's forehead.

"Arrrgghh!" shouted Rose in an uncontrollable rage. Shooting Alfred's head blindly. Until the head of Alfred, the leader of the Eagle Murphy, was no longer intact.

Until her gun could no longer fire its bullets, then Rose lowered her hand.

Rose's tears flowed freely as her tiny body couldn't hold its balance to support Rick's burly, helpless body.

"Rick! Rick, wake up! Open your eyes! Look at me, Rick!" shouted Rose woke up Rick whose eyes looked droopy as he was about to close.

"Don't cry for me, Boss! Boss's voice made me deaf," Rick replied quietly and choked up.

However, his smile was still etched even though his lips were bleeding a lot.

He still managed to smile at Rose who was so devastated to see him like that. Before the last sentence, he escaped with difficulty.

"Thank you for taking care of me until now. Goodbye… Boss,"