"There is Vitalia who can fill it. You just need to open your heart a little bit for her. And be sincere in your relationship because that is what is best for you. You love your parents more than yourself and I know that. And they have chosen you a companion that they think is good, so accept it sincerely, it won't be hard for you to live it!" Alice again advised him.

Nathael nodded slowly in agreement with Alice's every word to him. Just as he was about to answer, another woman's voice startled the two from behind them.

"Nathael! Why did you leave me? And who is this woman-" called the girl whose voice Nathael knew very well. And the woman was flabbergasted when she turned to face the woman next to Nathael who she knew was Alice, "You again?!"

"Hi! We meet again!" said Alice with a strange smile like someone who was caught off guard.

"You are! Why are you here? Did you two meet on purpose?" Vitalia asked in a slightly high tone.