"What is Troy? What is it?" Alice asked.

"Hmm, the king and queen of the world are returning to the mansion. They were angry that our Shine was left alone there. I was here and Troy wasn't home last night either," Sean replied casually and didn't seem to care.

"This is your fault! Why didn't you come home last night?" Alice also nagged him.

"Come on, Dear! I'd rather be kissed than scolded like this. And one more thing! There's no way I'd leave you home with a guy you just met! I don't want him to touch you even if you allow it!" Sean grumbled as he slowly put his shoes on.

Alice began to remember who the man Sean was referring to. And Alice gasped as she remembered who it was.

'Darren? Ah, why did I forget him? I haven't paid my debt to him and I remember we agreed to meet today, right? Then, what about this possessive?' thought Alice who started to plan how to meet Darren without a fuss.