"Are you sure you're going out? The wind outside is so cool. Remember the state of your body, Rose!" Lion asked Alice as he helped her into a wheelchair.

"Nothing will happen to me, you calm down. I want to talk to Shine when his heart is happy. That way, our parting won't be so sad for him," Alice replied calmly with a sad smile.

"Okay, it's up to you. Go with your men!" said Lion.

"You're not afraid I'll run away?" Alice teases Lion.

"Just run if you can. I'll always know where you are even without a tracking device. Never mind, I have things to do after you destroy my computer," answered Lion casually.

"Okay then, I'll be out first!" said Alice nonchalantly as Ben and Mark pushed Alice's wheelchair.

After Alice disappeared behind the apartment door, Lion began to put on a serious face.

Since listening to Rose's conversation with Troy, Lion's mind has been wandering all over the place when Troy says that Shine's mother is a mobster.