"Are you done with your business, Rose?" Sky asked calmly.

"Yes, Bro. I'm done with the man in there," said Rose glumly.

"Then what else is making you down? I could be lectured by Lion all the way if he finds out you're sad like this!" Sky scolded her.

"I just feel sad to see the reality they face. As broken and down, God punished those who destroyed my life," said Rose softly while leaning her head on Sky.

From a distance not too far from where Rose was sitting with Sky, there were a pair of eyes that were watching the figure of a beautiful woman with a big belly.  Rose's face was clearly visible in this man's eyes.

He dropped the broom in his hand and walked hurriedly to Rose.

His body falls when Mark and Ben notice a stranger approaching their boss, and chasing the man away.

"Alice?!" called Alden quietly.