"Bro, their number is still relatively small! And I don't see Eagle Murphy's lead there!" called Lily from the watchtower in charge of monitoring the front line of the gate.

"Yes, I think Lily is right, Bro! These are just some of them. There are not even more than five hundred people!" Lion also commented from his safe hiding.

"OK! Let's go back and meet Daddy first!" Sky replied guiding his siblings from their internal connection.

"Roger!" answered Lion and Lily at the same time.

The reunion was held in the great hall of Rose's headquarters. And at the base, there are still sufficient numbers of troops to join the war, although not as much as the previous number.

"Dad, what's the next plan? It seemed that they had underestimated the Black Dragon during the attack earlier. They only sent a few troops to attack!" asked Lion.