"Uncle Dharma, I don't want to see those two in my room. Please take them outside and please call grandpa. There's something I want to talk to him, Uncle!" said Alice coldly while looking at the two.



Sean and Lion called out to Alice at the same time but Alice still ignored their calls.

"Can you guys get out of here without me having to be rude to you?" asked Captain Dharma of the two.

Without answering, the two of them left Alice's room with rough steps.


"Grandpa, listen to me carefully. I want to go back to California today too. Everyone needs me there," said Alice telling her grandfather her decision.

"Then, don't we need you here too? Do you have the heart to leave me again and everything here? Me, Dharma, your mother, and even Shine? Alice, don't be so cruel to your old Grandpa, dear!" said the grandfather quietly.