The love that once was lost is now blooming again. Alice's presence erased the previous dark story.

Silence without sound. But no one knows, apart from Sean's heart that is blooming, Alice's heartbeat is also beating as if it were racing.

Until the speed of the car slowed down in front of the entrance to the military headquarters.

"Alice?" Sean called her when Alice looked about to get out of the car after the car stopped.

Alice turned around.

"What?" Alice replied nonchalantly, "Please only say something important. I'm not joking!" she continued.

"Who said that I was joking with you even though I wanted to?" Sean replied calmly with a smile, "Alice, I missed you,"

Sean's words shook Alice's heart, which had been calm before.

"Sean, please don't continue," said Alice.

"Who wants to continue? I just wanted to say that. And please help me. My stomach still hurts from your punch," Sean mocked smiling.