The bearded man's face grew pale and frightened when he was sure that the woman in front of him was Black Rose.

"Forgive me! Forgive me, Boss!" the man hoped for Rose's forgiveness.

Rose raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Why do you call me Boss? I don't have petty men like you!" Rose argued, "Tell me where did you guys get your Glock 90? Answer, or I'll kill you now!" she threatened.

"I-I got a shipment of weapons from another mafia group!" he stammered.


"Mr. Damian, leader of the Murphy Eagle, Boss!" he replied scared.

"Bastard!" annoyed Rose, "Later someone will pick you up and your men, be prepared!" she continued.

While Rose was interrogating the lower-class mafia, Sean followed one of the mafia's men to the room where Lion was locked up. And yes, Sean saw Lion lying with his eyes closed.

"Hey, wake up!" Sean called while patting Lion's face repeatedly.