"You idiot! Didn't I tell you earlier, don't tell me a sad story now!" Alice mumbled while wiping the tears on her face.

Alice slowly sat up and was about to get up from Lion's bed.

"Rose, don't go! Stay here! I want the three of us to sleep like this," said Lion to Alice.

Alice agreed and lay back down grumbling, "Maybe they hit your head hard, so you're a little crazy tonight!"

Lion just smiled and said, "Rose, thank you,"

"You're crazy! You're so weird! Go to sleep, or I'll be out of this room!" Alice just kept nagging him.

"I'm serious. Thank you for coming into my life. Bringing Sunny who loves me. Do you know? I'm so lucky to be Sunny's dad," he said sincerely.

"Are you still not able to give me perfect happiness by being my wife, Rose?" asked Lion again.