I don't know how much Sean's strength while holding back anger at the love that had fooled him all this time, causing the glass in his hand to break.

Blood flowed from Sean's palm because it was injured by the broken glass.

A few seconds later, someone rang the doorbell of the villa where Sean was.


Sean's blood dripped as he walked towards the main door of the villa.

Meanwhile, the person at the door looked wary as he observed the atmosphere around the villa, which looked pitch black.

"Seriously! Why is the location that Sean sent fit this villa? And Sean's car is also here!" Alice muttered to herself while watching Sean's car next to the car she was driving earlier.

Feeling the sound of the doorbell that she had pressed earlier did not receive a response, Alice repeated it.

Just as the bell rang, the main door which was right in front of Alice opened.

"Sean?" call Alice briefly.