"But, you rejected me, and fine, I'll respect your decision. You chose sickness and death, didn't you? So what's the point of me living on earth without you on it? After all, dying together isn't bad. I can live with you forever in Nirvana later,"

Sean said every sentence so casually, he even smiled despite his pain. As if what he did this time was the right thing.

"You're crazy, Sean! You're crazy! You're selfish! Please don't be like this!" Alice pleaded and cried as she continued to shake Sean's body.

"You are so cruel, Alice! Until the second I was about to leave, you didn't give me a goodbye kiss! I don't need your tears because I've cried all year when you left me. Now I just need your smile and your love," Sean said weakly with a smile.

Alice just kept crying. Even the pain in his body that was urging him to make love was ignored, even though the pain was excruciating and burning in his body.