"Ah, I thought after you apologized and thanked you, you would throw me away from my son and Rose. I think you are very happy about Sunny's presence because you feel lucky that Sean has children. Which you will not get from a woman other than Rose! " Lion spoke very harshly and every sentence he said immediately brought down Mr. Bambang's mentality.

"Yeah, I don't deny that we're still as greedy as we used to be. But for us now, the happiness of our children and grandchildren is everything. We don't want to interfere in Sean and Alice's business because of what we've done to them badly and we all know what happened."

"Now that you are by Alice and Sunny's side. The romance between the three of you is not something we should interfere with anymore. We who are old just want to calm down by seeing the smiles of our children and grandchildren,"