"From the start, it was I who was wrong. I was the one who said my promise out loud in front of you and everyone. I was even more wrong when I fell in love with him and realized that my feelings for you were brotherly affection.

"It was my fault because, since the beginning of Sunny's pregnancy, you were the one who took care of me. Cause Sunny to depend so much on you and think of you as his real father! I was wrong from the start, Lion. I was the wrong one!" Rose reiterated her mistake from the beginning, with tears in her eyes without a sound, she looked at Lion.

"I'm the cause of everything. So if I wasn't around, maybe you all wouldn't feel this pain. You, Sean, and Sunny wouldn't be the victims of my mistakes. So why don't I just wipe off my face of this earth?" said Rose again with an expressionless face.

"Good idea. Let's just die together!" Lion responded immediately.
