"How can a head blow be considered a form of affection? Luckily my head is strong. So, no matter how much you hit me, I won't be stupid," Lion replied with a weak laugh.

"Come on, Lion. You should just rest. After you wake up later, you can continue your silliness again," Sky said calmly to Lion.

"Yeah, you're right, Bro. I was really tired and sleepy. But, I'm afraid when I sleep, I won't see you guys again later. Let my eyes stay awake like this to see my family's face, Bro..." answered Lion.

Everyone touched his heart after hearing each of Lion's weak words with sadness. The daddy, Sky, Lily, and Rose continued to respond to every word Lion said until it was clear in their eyes, the look on Lion's face that was already very pale with his breathing slowly blowing.

"Where's my Sunny? Let me hug him," Lion asked again.

Sean walked Sunny closer to Lion.

Little Sunny immediately hugged Lion's limp body with non-stop sobs.