"I said no, not to reject his promise. And now, I will answer that question," said Alice loudly in front of everyone.

"In front of God and everyone who is here. I am Alice Vianney Reksa, an ordinary woman who falls in love with you. Or as Black Rose, the leader of the Death Rose who became a fool because of you."

"I am willing to accept the love and affection of Sean Garendra, the father of my children. Living life with you in joy and sorrow, in tears and laughter, in black and white, and life and death. I will always be beside you, be the source of your happiness, love you with all my soul and body. And nothing will separate us but death from Him."

Alice returned Sean's promise of love by saying every sentence with a smile.

Without answering and just flabbergasted by his wife's smile, Sean immediately kissed Alice's lips with love in front of everyone.