"She's sick, honey. And her father isn't here because she has important things far away. So, Mommy and I are Qiara," Sean explained slowly about Qiara's condition to Sunny.

Sunny brought his face close to his father's ear.

"Dad, I don't like her being around us," Sunny whispered honestly to him.

Sean was silent then smiled looking at Sunny's innocent face who didn't understand the urgent matter at this time.

"I'll talk about this later, okay? Now come to your room with your brother, son," Sean said softly and kissed his son again.

Shine complied and took his smart brother from there before Sunny knew anything that seemed complicated to Shine.

"Everything went wrong! Helena disappeared, and now Kendrick died at the hands of unknown people. I've investigated who killed him, but all the evidence doesn't show that a culprit is an ordinary person. There is no accurate data. Ken's death is suspicious!" said Thunder.