Troy saw Mona's gloomy behavior.

"What are you thinking now? You just complimented Alice and are now gloomy. Are you afraid to be here? Are you uncomfortable seeing lots of people dressed in all black around us now?" Troy asked curiously.

Mona shook her head slowly.

"It's not like that. I was just thinking about what I went through. If only Helena didn't try to fight her destiny and mess up Brother Sean's relationship with Alice, then I wouldn't have lost daddy." Mona sobbed again as she reminisced about the beginning of the problems that arose around her life.

"From the first time I saw Alice, I immediately knew that Alice couldn't be compared to Helena. In any case, and even I was a woman, complemented everything that Alice had,"

"She is beautiful, kind, firm, and mysterious, and again, Alice gets her husband's love so great, I know that love is what Helena keeps trying to snatch from Alice,"