After falling silent and realizing her mistake, Sunny nodded weakly and turned to Qiara.

"Okay, Grandpa. I was wrong. I won't do that again," Sunny replied, already feeling guilty.

"Qiara, come here. This is my Grandpa, it's Uncle Sky, and that handsome man beside you is Uncle Lily. They may look scary, but they are all good people!" Sunny explained to Qiara well.

Until everyone smiled proudly at Sunny's better attitude.

"You see, that's just my son," Sean muttered to Alice as he hugged her.

"Not only your son, but he also inherited many of us and Lion's traits. His arrogance came from you and Lion. But his compassion and remorse came from me. Isn't that fair?" Alice answered while smiling innocently.

"Why does the bad character come from me and Lion? Don't you realize that his rebellious nature is similar to yours, hmm?" Sean reversed Alice's words so badly that Alice couldn't reply anymore.