Alice deliberately spoke to Sunny in Italian, because Alice knew her son was proficient and understood the foreign language. Just remember the nationality of the Lion Black, which comes from that country. Of course everything about him, Sunny must know.

"Per ora non capisco cosa ti faccia diffidare della presenza di un bambino così piccolo, mamma! Ma obbedirò alle tue parole. Rimarrò vigile. Ti fidi di me!"

(For now, I don't understand what makes you wary of the presence of such a small child, Mom! But I will obey your words. I will remain vigilant. You just trust me!) Sunny replied with a happy smile at his mommy and after that, his gaze turned to Keanu who returned his gaze intensely at Keanu who returned his gaze intensely.

"Sei il migliore, tesoro! Sei il figlio geniale di Lion e il figlio intelligente di Sean. Ti amo, Sunny! Stai attento. Io vado per primo, tesoro!"