Chapter 1: A Peace of Mind

In the vast expanse of our world, it is an oft-repeated truth that survival demands unwavering fortitude to conquer any misstep, no matter how insignificant. The weight of this reality bears heavily on our souls as we contemplate the worth of a grand spectacle, one that unfolds amidst the chaotic dance of life and death. To witness a comrade's sacrifice, valiantly defending our cherished homeland against relentless invaders, stands as a haunting question in the depths of our minds. Would the spectacle of such valour and tragedy, tinged with both glory and grief, be worth the exorbitant price of a grand experience?

Upon an isolated island, its inhabitants find themselves subject to the rule of an illicit pro-communist regime, which usurped power unlawfully to govern the land. In the shadows of this oppressive reality, a crucial question reverberates through the hearts of those yearning for change: Is this the opportune moment for a heroic figure to emerge, seeking to reclaim the rightful position through legitimate means, thereby safeguarding the lives of everyone at stake?

Yet, there exists an alternative narrative, one tinged with resignation and bitter realism. Could it be that these countrymen, trapped in a cycle of hope and disillusionment, ought to abandon their dreams of victory and resign themselves to being perennially pursued by merciless outsiders? A haunting truth echoes through the collective conscience: at the day's end, no victor shall emerge... for in the grand tapestry of existence, we all march inexorably towards the embrace of mortality.

In the tranquil embrace of night, a young soul named Joseph sought solace upon the sandy shores, a daily ritual to find peace amidst the gentle caress of waves. His contemplative gaze fixated on the horizon, a silent reflection of the turmoil brewing within his heart. Thoughts of his people, yearning for liberation from the shackles of oppression, weighed heavily on his mind.

Amidst this struggle for freedom, Joseph was acutely aware of a disheartening reality: the very countrymen who shared this collective dream were ensnared in bitter enmity. Families were formed not out of love and unity but as mere displays of dominance and power. The notion of brotherhood stood fractured, and kin turned into rivals in the pursuit of control, fracturing the very foundation of their collective aspirations. In these quiet moments by the shore, Joseph grappled with the paradox of a nation desiring freedom while being divided by the sharp edges of animosity.

In a world consumed by thoughts of conflict and dominance, Joseph found himself an unwilling participant in this relentless struggle. Despite his indifference towards such pursuits, circumstances demanded that he take up arms to defend himself against the unforgiving odds.

At the tender age of seventeen, Joseph's life was about to take a new turn as he prepared to attend high school the next day. As the night deepened, he rose from his spot by the campfire, extinguishing the flames that had provided warmth and solace. His mind wandered, not solely fixated on the battles that awaited him but also entangled in thoughts of someone special – Yynn, a brilliant student in class 1 while Joseph belonged to class 3.

In the quiet sanctum of his bed, Joseph's thoughts swirled with questions about his worthiness for Yynn's affection. He pondered whether he possessed the qualities deemed appropriate for someone of her intelligence and charm. In a world where conflict and conquest loomed large, he grappled with matters of the heart, wondering if he could be the hero of his own romantic tale as well.

Like clockwork, Joseph finds himself waking up late on school mornings, a recurring habit he can't seem to shake off. Yet, come weekends, a curious transformation occurs, and he becomes an early riser. This particular day, as he readies himself for school, the enchanting melody of his favourite morning song, 'Hey Jude' by The Beatles, fills the air, setting the tone for the day ahead.

Joseph's attire exudes a perfect blend of style and practicality. Donned in a black jacket, complemented by dark pants, he wears an inner shirt with a black tie, adding a touch of sophistication to his appearance. On his left wrist, a wristwatch graces his hand, serving both as a timekeeper and a symbol of punctuality. The finishing touch, a sturdy leather belt, ensures his pants remain firmly in place and a hard-hitting weapon, a testament to the timeless fashion of the 20th-century high school era.

With every aspect meticulously put together, Joseph's appearance stands as a flawless representation of the classic high school look. As he steps out into the world, prepared to face the challenges that await, his attire serves as a reflection of the poised and determined individual he strives to be.

Joseph holds a curious belief that a positive morning mood holds the key to figuring out the game of life as the day unfolds. However, this notion doesn't necessarily align with early rising, as he cherishes the tranquillity of waking up at his own pace. Behind the masks people wear, concealing their worries and fears, lies a world of untold emotions that remain hidden from the world.

In Joseph's eyes, the tender expressions etched on the faces of nearly everyone around him serve as a poignant reminder of the shared vulnerability we all bear. In a world filled with uncertainty, he finds solace in the idea that helping others can be profoundly rewarding, not only to those in need but to himself as well. According to Joseph, lending a helping hand is an intrinsic duty that everyone should embrace, a noble endeavour that fosters compassion and strengthens the ties that bind us all together.

As Joseph makes his way to school, fate intervenes, leading him to cross paths with his old friend, Zechariah. A striking figure, Zechariah possesses an undeniable aura of athleticism and bold charisma that draws people in. Their friendship is built on a shared passion for standing up against injustice, and they have earned a reputation for being fierce fighters, never hesitating to confront those who exhibit arrogant and disrespectful behaviour at school.

Their school environment, unfortunately, harbours a presence of influential families vying to recruit students into their ranks. This adds an extra layer of tension and rivalry as Joseph and Zechariah refuse to be pawns in the power struggles orchestrated by these factions. Their bond, rooted in shared principles and a desire to protect the weak, makes them formidable allies against those who seek to exploit others for their own gain.

As they venture forth into the school day together, they stand united against the forces that wish to control and manipulate their fellow students. Their friendship serves as a beacon of hope in a landscape marred by ambition and rivalry, where they bravely navigate the intricate web of power dynamics while remaining true to their principles.

Adonias Public High School stands as the sole institution of its kind within the boundaries of Kanaan prefecture. A melting pot of diverse personalities and backgrounds, this phrontistery welcomes all sorts of students into its halls, creating a tapestry of individuals ranging from bullies to affluent youth, and everything in between.

For Joseph, blending in amid such a varied landscape might initially appear like an insurmountable challenge. The contrasting personas and social dynamics can feel overwhelming, leaving him with the sense of not quite fitting in. Yet, hidden within the labyrinth of complexities lies a solution, one that sometimes eludes our awareness but promises to optimize time and bring resolution to the mess of uncertainties.

As Joseph embarks on his journey through Adonias Public High School, he'll come to realise that navigating the diverse spectrum of students may be a daunting task, but it is not an insurmountable one. Through perseverance, understanding, and a willingness to embrace the uniqueness of each individual, he might find his place in this bustling community of dreams and aspirations. In the midst of the seeming chaos, the potential for growth and self-discovery beckons, and with time, Joseph may uncover the hidden threads that connect him to the vibrant fabric of Adonias Public High School.

As they stroll together, Zechariah engages Joseph in a conversation about an ongoing family conflict that has surfaced not long after the conclusion of the mid-semester examination. The air is tense, and the implications of this dispute weigh heavily on their minds as they discuss the repercussions that could ripple through the school and the lives of those involved.

Zechariah breaks the silence, his voice tinged with curiosity and concern. "Have you heard anything about what transpired during the mid-semester examination?" he asks Joseph, his eyes reflecting a mix of intrigue and apprehension. The question hangs in the air, hinting at the potential gravity of the events that unfolded during the crucial academic assessment.

"We were having an examination?"

"Haha, so funny, try another one. I'll wait till you could make me laugh."

"No, I'm being serious you dimwit. How would I know what happened that time? Home is a world's paradise to me."

"Quite a babbling you got there."

"Babbling or not, can you tell me what happened then? You're really good at knocking off my attention."

"Do you know Yynn?"

"Hell yeah, the girl from class 1, she's quite popular you know."

"Well, it's not really my problem to burst the bubbles, but you see, I got a piece of information from Riff. I hope you can shut your mouth about this one."

"This is very thrilling, tell me more, I got your word"

"There was a conflict back in the mid-semester between some major families on this island. Sadly, Yynn's involved." Zechariah disclosed.

As Zechariah divulges more information, Joseph's heart skips a beat. The dispute that had arisen after the mid-semester examination is rumored to revolve around Yynn, the very person who holds Joseph's heart captive. Hearing this news intensifies Joseph's concern and adds a sense of urgency to their situation.

Realising that they are already running late for school, they abandon their conversation and hasten their steps, determined to reach the campus as swiftly as possible. Joseph's mind whirls with thoughts of Yynn, a mix of worry and protectiveness swirling within him. The newfound knowledge of the conflict involving his crush only strengthens his resolve to ensure her safety and well-being.

The journey to school becomes a race against time, an adrenaline-fueled pursuit fueled by concern and a desire to shield Yynn from harm's way. Their footsteps echo in sync as they rush onward, their shared friendship and unwavering dedication to one another serving as their guiding force in the face of an uncertain future.

They managed to arrive at school without being late.

"I guess being punctual saves our asses right?"

"Yeah, what a time to be alive," Zechariah responded.

Deep within Joseph's heart, a tumultuous storm of emotions brews as he contemplates the implications of the dispute involving Yynn. The news gnaws at him, filling him with an unsettling mix of anxiety and fury. His soul simmers like a cauldron, the flames of his emotions mirroring the intense heat of a burning furnace.

In this turmoil, Joseph draws a profound parallel to the crisis at hand. Like a fire's dependency on oxygen to reach its scorching peak, he realises that the intensity of this conflict hinges on the presence of traitors among their midst. These betrayers act as fuel to the flames, perpetuating discord and adding an element of unpredictability to the already delicate situation.

With this insight, Joseph recognizes that the foundation of their land is fragile, its stability threatened by the existence of those who sow seeds of treachery. The once-familiar terrain feels foreign and uncertain, the trust among countrymen eroding like shifting sands beneath their feet.

As Joseph and Zechariah race towards the school, this newfound understanding weighs heavily on his soul, fuelling his determination to confront the crisis head-on and shield those he cares about from harm. The journey becomes not just a physical pursuit but also a quest to preserve the sanctity of their land and to safeguard the bonds of loyalty and trust that should unite their people as one.

As the morning unfolds, the first bell signals the commencement of the day's academic endeavors, and Joseph finds himself in the realm of mathematics. While he doesn't harbor any particular fondness for the subject, he approaches it with diligence, striving to excel in every subject by riding the currents of his strengths.

Yet, amidst the equations and theorems that occupy his classroom, Joseph's thoughts are elsewhere. His mind is consumed by a singular mission that eclipses all else – to save his unrequited love, Yynn, from the clutches of the brewing conflict. This profound desire to protect her from harm propels him beyond the confines of mere academic pursuits.

As the lesson unfolds, Joseph's mind intermittently drifts to scenarios and plans, carefully crafted to safeguard Yynn and help her navigate the turbulent waters of the ongoing dispute. His focus shifts between numbers and strategies, his determination undeterred by the complexities that lie ahead.

In this amalgamation of academia and affection, Joseph seeks to unravel the equations of both his studies and the matters of his heart, hoping to find the elusive solutions that will secure Yynn's well-being. The classroom may be a space of numbers and theories, but it also serves as a sanctuary for Joseph's resolute determination to be the hero of his own story and rescue his unrequited love from the throes of adversity.

With a keen resolve to unearth the truth behind the conflict involving Yynn, Joseph embarks on a sharp and astute quest for information. Although he strives to maintain a facade of composure, the weight of the situation bears down on him, making the act of staying relaxed an arduous endeavor.

During recess, as his peers engage in casual conversations and leisure activities, Joseph discreetly shadows a potential suspect involved in the dispute. He treads carefully, ensuring his movements go unnoticed, as he delves deeper into the labyrinth of secrets that surround Yynn's predicament.

Joseph recognizes that he could easily seek Zechariah's aid in this investigation. After all, their friendship is built on a foundation of unwavering support and camaraderie, and Zechariah has been a loyal ally in times of need. Yet, he hesitates to burden his friend, mindful of the past events that caused strife between them. In Joseph's eyes, every assistance Zechariah has extended in the past holds immeasurable value, making him reluctant to involve Zechariah in what he perceives as a seemingly simple task.

Determined to navigate this path alone, Joseph faces the daunting challenge with a mixture of courage and vulnerability. His loyalty to "Zack", combined with a sense of responsibility towards Yynn, fuels his determination to uncover the truth, no matter the personal cost. In this delicate dance between trust and secrecy, Joseph becomes a lone warrior on a perilous quest for answers, where every step he takes carries the weight of unspoken emotions and the promise of revelations yet to be uncovered.

As Joseph delves deeper into his investigation, his suspicions lead him to a formidable figure named Jericho, the patriarch of the influential Bima Family. He believes that Jericho may be intricately connected to the conflict due to his relationship with Yynn, further fueling his determination to unravel the truth.

At the tender age of sixteen, Jericho's youth belies his reputation as a ferocious fighter. His prowess is likened to the legendary Water-Dragon, a chilling tale parents recount to their children before bedtime. The ominous creature is said to snatch away innocent souls, leaving behind fear and apprehension in its wake.

Drawing inspiration from the Water-Dragon's fearsome fighting style, Jericho employs a formidable technique that mirrors the legendary creature's strength. The Water-Dragon fighting style involves unleashing powerful strikes using all eight limbs, making him a formidable opponent not to be underestimated.

As Joseph approaches this enigmatic figure, he senses the weight of danger and uncertainty hanging in the air. With courage in his heart and caution in his steps, he seeks to confront Jericho, not only to uncover the truth about the conflict but also to safeguard Yynn from any potential harm. In this perilous dance between legend and reality, Joseph's determination to protect those he cares about propels him forward, inching him closer to the heart of the mystery that unfolds before him.

As Joseph gathers his resolve, his mind formulates a strategy to face Jericho's formidable fighting style. "I just need to evade all of his strikes, then I'll be alright," he quietly affirms to himself. Determination etched into his features, he follows Jericho with a mix of caution and purpose, navigating the bustling hallway as they move forward.

With each step, Joseph readies himself for the potential confrontation ahead. His heart beats with both anticipation and trepidation, knowing that evading the strikes of a fighter like Jericho won't be an easy feat. Yet, he remains resolute, believing in his own ability to outmaneuver his adversary.

In this high-stakes pursuit of truth and protection, Joseph knows that he must rely on every ounce of skill and quick thinking. As he shadows Jericho, his senses heightened, he is prepared to confront the unknown and uncover the secrets that may lie in the wake of this encounter.

With courage coursing through his veins, Joseph ventures forth, fully aware that this pursuit may lead him to confront not only the physical prowess of a legendary fighter but also the depths of intrigue and danger lurking within the conflict involving Yynn. The hallway becomes a conduit for the interplay of destiny and determination, where Joseph's choices and actions will shape the course of the narrative, taking him one step closer to unearthing the truth and fulfilling his mission to protect the one he holds dear.

As Joseph continues his pursuit of Jericho through the connecting hallway, a flicker of hope and concern fills his heart as he catches a fleeting glimpse of Yynn. Her presence brings both comfort and worry, a reminder of the reason he embarked on this dangerous path. He yearns to keep her safe from the shadows of the conflict that looms, and her proximity fuels his determination to uncover the truth.

The school interior, though not vast, holds a charm of its own, a tight-knit community where students and teachers alike forge bonds that transcend the limits of physical space. With a structure accommodating three classes in each block, the senior students' schedules are compact yet diverse, offering a wide array of subjects to cater to their academic growth and competence.

Joseph's mind momentarily shifts between his objective and the familiar halls that have witnessed his growth and evolution. Each step he takes now carries the weight of both the investigation and the protection of someone dear. He steels himself, resolute in his mission, knowing that the answers he seeks may lie just beyond the next corner, where the truth intertwines with destiny, and the fate of his world and heart converge in the halls of Adonias Public High School.

In the culmination of every conflict, a clear division emerges – one prevailing as the victor, the other succumbing to the role of the defeated. Both gladiators, however, find themselves grappling with the bitter sting of humiliation in the face of loss. The wounds inflicted upon pride cut deep, leaving scars that linger long after the dust settles.

The aversion to losing one's dignity is universal, and yet, amidst the chaos, a small majority of individuals might reluctantly sacrifice their pride to survive the trials that beset them. But for Joseph, a different path beckons. He seeks a life defined by the pursuit of a grander purpose – fighting not merely for self-preservation but for a future imbued with righteousness and justice.

In his heart, Joseph embraces the conviction that an unwavering will and dedicated purpose can elevate him beyond the ordinary bounds of existence. He understands that the strength of his determination can propel him to unforeseen heights, enabling him to face challenges with courage and resilience.

As he confronts the complexities of the conflict, Joseph endeavors to embody the embodiment of valor and perseverance, driven by a vision of a better world and an unwavering commitment to the cause he holds dear. In this quest for righteousness, he embraces the truth that the magnitude of one's resolve and dedication can propel them far beyond the ordinary, into the realm of extraordinary feats and the realization of their most profound aspirations.