I should start by saying I have always be in strong believer in the paranormal. I have had many of my own experiences, as had many of my family members. The story that I am wanting to share with you now started about two years ago.
My husband and I bought our first house together in February 2013. We lived in the house peacefully with our three young daughters until early 2014.
I was in the bathroom and thought my oldest daughter was up. This was a little after 10 pm. I walk into the kitchen and I see her walk into my bedroom. I go into the bedroom to make her go back to bed. That is when I realise it was NOT my daughter. I watched a very tall man walk straight into my closest and shut the door. I ran to the door and opened it and there was nobody there. After telling my husband what I saw we both blew it off cause I didn't feel "threatened".
The very next night I was having a hard time falling asleep. I felt as if I was having a hard time breathing. (I might add that I have heart problems so this is not uncommon for me.) I wake my husband up an he gets me some water and meds and soon falls back asleep. While laying there, wanting so bad to fall asleep, I feel someone watching me. I look to the corner by the closest and HE is standing there. This time an uncomfortable feeling comes over me. We are staring at each other and he calmly walks back into the closest.
A couple nights later, again laying on bed alone cause my husband was at work, I turn towards the wall and there be is. Standing over me. I was scared to death. He kept trying to say something but I couldn't tell what it was. Soon after that we blessed the house and things went back to normal. With the exception of my sleep paralysis that started right after the blessing.
I am writing this now because it is back with a vengeance. Things started out small and now it is getting worse. My children are noticing thing and are afraid to even go to the bathroom alone. We are having laundry baskets thrown across the room, smacks, scratches, and the feeling of having our feet stomped on. Whatever this is mainly messes with me but occasionally my husband will have an experience, or my girls will says something is scaring them.
I am open to suggestions on how to get rid of this thing. We have tried blessing, sage, and just plain telling it to leave that it doesn't belong there anymore. I can't help but feel this thing is following me. As I said earlier I have had many encounters throughout my life.