Hopeful Farewell

As Eugene predicted, Vera and Christopher came back home shortly after the arrival of uncalled guests. Christopher had some kind of talk with the manager of the hospital. Eugene was not aware about the essence of it, but judging by his brother's nowadays rare smile, the topic at hand was pleasant. Vera as always brought even more light into the mood, making it seem like everything at once came back to normal.

As soon as Christopher entered his own home, his eyes were directed at the young woman, wearing an exquisite black dress with purple colouring on the lower half, as well as a dark hat. He walked towards her and her butler was about to block his path, however, the woman stopped him by making one step forward. When Christopher was at arm's length, he said.

"Are you Sylvia? Sylvia la Avise?"

The woman silently nodded, looking straight into Christopher's eyes. At first, he did not react, but then he put a sleeve up to his eyes and began sobbing. At once, Christopher's frame dropped, he kneeled down and took her hand while his were shaking.

"I am so happy you are here… I did not have a chance to say it, but thank you! Thank you for everything you did for us. Thank you."

Vera followed her husband's weeping lead and glittered with tears as well. Eugene, though, only crossed his hands with a calm smile. First, he was looking at his brother's burning gratitude, but then glanced over Sylvia. Her face first was uncertain and confused, but later on her cold expression returned, she backed off and spoke.

"This is only natural to find justice in your situation. You were framed and threatened by our common enemy. I did nothing but remove a hindrance to our family, and those fruits that made you flourish are just a bonus. You should not be grateful for the act of egoism from our side."

Though everyone appeared to be mesmerized by her unlikely response, Christopher shook his head and stated with a smile, "Even if you followed your own goals, you still helped me and my family. And I am grateful for it, madam la Avise."

For a few seconds, the woman stood dumbfounded, but then turned away and marched towards the exit. Afterwards, she slightly turned her head to speak, but just enough for her face to not be seen; though her red like strawberry ear was visible through her golden hair.

She said, "By the way, did not you plan on going somewhere? Come, Vincent, we will go first." Vincent nodded and said, "Yes, ma'am."

And so the two left just as fast as they arrived. Dagaz family did not slack either and as soon as Eugene was ready, they all departed from the house and sat into Christopher's car. As soon as it started moving, Christopher caught the face of his brother in the front mirror and said.

"Did you tell them we are going to the cemetery?"

"Yeah, I hope you do not mind if Sylvia will join us."

"I do not mind, but do they know the way?"

Eugene rubbed his chin and then caustically said, "Sylvia will somehow figure it out."

"I see." the questioning seemingly ended and Eugene was already exploring the beauty of Parisian buildings and monuments from the rear window, but then Christopher added, "Also, I questioned it only now, but how did my car end up elsewhere?"

The boy continued staring at the window.

"Eugene, do you know anything about it?"

"It was Sylvia's idea!" he finally said. Christopher groaned, "And if Sylvia will tell you to jump out of the window, will you follow!?"


Vera giggled as quietly as possible, but Christopher caught her voice with his ears and said, "Do you think I would just forget about you? You were absolutely aware of it!"

Vera instead turned to Eugene and whispered, "Seems like we were caught by our tails."

"This is not a joke, goddamn it! What if something had happened to the car!? Well, and you!"

Finally, the two troublemakers burst out laughing, further lowering Christopher's brows. Luckily, he was busy driving a car, otherwise they would not be able to escape his wrath! But more fortune was brought upon them by their smiles, which further melt Christopher's heart, and a soft smile took the place of this man's frightful grimace.

The cemetery where Eugene's parents remained at peace was located North from the Place de la Nation, and it was called Père Lachaise Cemetery. The impressive size of this necropolis guaranteed hundreds of visitors on a daily basis, but even this amount of still living people was insignificant, so usually you would see a few mourning souls and other people wandering around, preferring the company of the dead.

Christopher stopped at avenue Gambella, from that road it would be a 5-minute stroll until they reach their destination. At first, the man of the family was concerned regarding the whereabouts of their guests, though they were unnecessary. Soon, the figure of a woman dressed in black, making her look like a grim reaper that enjoys the sight of his work, appeared from the car that was parked nearby. Following her, came out a gentleman dressed in a two-piece suit and a monocle. His foot tapped on the floor three times and said.

"You sure took your time."

"How did you even get here this fast?" wondered Christopher, to which Sylvia replied, "By choosing the fastest route, of course."

Then she walked by the path that lead deeper into the gloomy, yet thrilling cemetery. The one to follow her first with a tired sigh was Eugene. However, Christopher stopped them by saying.

"I guess little lady knows the way?"

"Indeed I do, but if you wish to lead the way, I would not mind."

Christopher agreed to her suggestion and came forward first along with Vera, Eugene and Sylvia were right behind them and Vincent closed the chain. The trail did not last for too long and soon enough they reached an end where a dozen of tombstones blocked the path. First went forward Vera and Christopher, Sylvia tried to follow, but Eugene blocked her path with his hand.

It was in their family tradition to mourn the deceased by themselves, which formed due to common fights between brothers over the memory of their father. Such segregation was initiated by Arnold, who was rightfully annoyed by their behaviour. And the two continued this practice to this day, even after Christopher found his significant other for himself, he still preferred to be separated from his brother at that instance.

Fortunately for Eugene, Sylvia remained silent, thus he did not need to explain the complicated relationship of his brother and their father. Christopher was not really fond of him, even common respect that Eugene showed to his father, whom he did not remember, always made Christopher frown. And he never bothered to explain his cold attitude towards him, which further irritated the man.

After Christopher and Vera returned, came forward Eugene, and he was followed by Sylvia, but not Vincent. Butler remained standing with previous visitors.

"And here they are." said Eugene and pointed at two graves that were close to each other, though one seemed a little older than the other. The left one, younger grave was brimming with flowers and candles around, but the right and older grave had but one flower, giving colour to its grey nature. 

Their father, Friedrich Dagaz, survived the Great War, but was unlucky enough to fall victim to one of its consequences, Spanish flu. Eugene did not remember him well, because his death nearly followed his birthday. As such, Margaret Dagaz, as a single mother, raised her kids with the help of older relatives and close acquaintances, but her heart could not forget her husband. Many tears were spent mourning the death of Friedrich, but worst of all, she could not come to terms with her loss and thus, the mother died to grief. At that time, Eugene was still in school, but his brother already worked for Arnold elsewhere, and so he had to move out of Paris. Such was his road towards the workplace at "Monso Rooster".

Eugene took out two candles and a match from his pocket, lit them up and put on both tombstones, and said with eyes full of sorrow, "Rest in peace."

Sylvia looked at the man and asked, "Do you miss them?"

"Yes, I do." answered Eugene and Sylvia said, "Then they have been good people."

The man shook his head and said, "It does not matter whether they were good or bad. Parents remain parents with all their flaws."

"Even those that abandon or neglect their children?" asked Sylvia and Eugene said, "I guess so, would you miss your parents if you would lose them?"

Sylvia remained silent for a few seconds and then replied, "Who knows."

"I see, that's quite cold of you." Eugene stood up and faced Sylvia with a smile, "But I am glad you are uncertain of it. Seems like not even you know everything, good to know you are a human just like me."

"Are you trying to say you did not consider me human prior to that? And you have the audacity to call me cold!"

The two walked away from the graves, giving the last mournful glance over them. As they were moving towards those who already waited to them in cars, they continued speaking.

"Well, I am not the one who appeared to be so casual about this shitstorm of events! Anyone would think you are an odd ball."

Eugene's tactless comment made Sylvia frown, and she said, "If I would whine about everything like you did, we would not go far with the investigation."

"Hey!" exclaimed Eugene, but then the woman continued, "Though, I am quite surprised at how calm you were about the blatant lies of Marco. I was ready to hit your leg if you would ruin this opportunity to lead him to the hospital."

Eugene nervously giggled and explained his train of thought, "To be honest, I was ready to believe him about the letter, but when he mentioned the hospital… he was supposed to be there in the first place, right? But he simply stayed at home to make sure this hostage trade went successfully. Maybe I did not react, because I was still in denial?"

"Now, it does not matter. And, I guess, it is time to say our farewells."

As she said it, the two finally reached cars that were patiently awaiting their arrival. Though they did not rush towards their respective places. Eugene stood beside the woman and was looking straight into her eyes. Sylvia, on the other hand, waited until words came out of his mouth.

"Sylvia," Eugene finally said, "Thank you. Thank you very much for everything you have done for me. I owe you one."

"Indeed, two of a Kind! As I said to your brother as well, I followed my own goals!", she said spitefully, to which Eugene laughed, "And I am thankful to whatever goals you had!"

Sylvia made a final sigh and opened the door of her car where Vincent was awaiting, "Goodbye, Eugene Dagaz, we will meet again."

Eugene waved to her and then sat into his brother's Renault and first, they drove to Dagaz' household, but later on, Eugene left Paris and returned to his second home, "Monso Rooster".