Fading Smile

Eugene was happily signing a piece of paper that was given to him by the café worker. He set the newspapers aside for a while, which opened an opportunity for Sylvia to have a look at it herself. Various articles made her only frown, and she quickly cast her gaze back at the reporter. All this time, she was skimming through the thick album in search of pictures from crime scenes. And as Sylvia lost interest in newspapers completely, the young reporter exclaimed, "Found them!"

She extended her hand for of polaroid photos to Sylvia. They were taken in all kinds of places, starting from museums and ending with restaurants. Those seemed like a bunch of unrelated locations, but a sole thing united them all. There were prominent empty spots, perfect for statues, works of arts or artefacts, but instead they all were decorated by a lone origami figure.

The café worker finally received the signed paper and afterwards put it besides Sylvia, however, she ignored this gesture of respect and instead asked her while showing the photos, "Can I have a look at the origami figure that was left here?"

The woman shook her head and said, "I would gladly, but the police took it to their station, but they might give you access to it."

"What did you want to check, Madam la Avise?" asked reporter girl. Her question was first met with silence, but then Sylvia turned to Eugene and called him over, "Take a look at these."

Eugene, who once again was observing his debut as a celebrity, turned to her and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Has the entire conversation went through your head?"

"You were talking about the thief "Phantom Cormorant" and madam reporter showed you photos of the crime scenes. Now you want to ask a question that I would probably struggle to answer. Do not underestimate my listening skills!"

Sylvia frowned at his response, but she quickly returned to her cold-blooded state when Eugene finally gazed through the pictures.

"Is there anything in common that you can see on all of them?" asked Sylvia and sat by the table with those photos.

Eugene did not respond, but instead concentrated on the task. Lighter spots on the walls signalized the absence of the piece of art that once decorated the premise, moreover, those lighter spots were present on floors as well, not from paintings, but rather statues and relics. And finally, all of them contained a single common feature, the cormorant origami. Eugene felt like this figure of a bird contained an answer to Sylvia's question and soon enough, he noticed the oddity in the placement of those figures.

"All the origami figures are nailed down to the wall." suggested Eugene, to which Sylvia replied, "Exactly, even the ones that signalize the theft of the standing works of art, like the one that was stolen from this place. And may I ask you, madame restaurateur, was this figure lying on the desk?"

"Restaurateur! That's a rather unexpected way of addressing! But you are right, the origami figure was resting on the desk."

The reporter girl prepared her notebook and a pen, she timidly asked, "And what is your speculation?"

Sylvia cast her gaze back at the scene of crime, she put her hand on the desk and ran her hand along the smooth wood. One would expect it to be dusty, but fingers came out clean. Afterwards, she replied, "Who knows, perhaps the thief was in a hurry."

The reporter stopped writing and raised her eyes at Sylvia.

"You are absolutely right!" suddenly said the cafe worker, "Usually, there are many clients on Fridays, but yesterday was chaos! Even when all the places were taken, people kept coming and just stood to have a taste of the pie. I was glad about the income, but my back hurt a lot that day! I started forgetting how crowded it can be on "The Fire of Prometheus". You kids will enjoy it!"

"Thank you for your insight, but for now we will take our leave." said Sylvia to which the worker replied, "Of course, come back whenever you want, young ladies. And you too, young man! Though I do not work on Sundays."

"Are you already leaving?" asked reporter and Eugene added with a newspaper in his hands, "I would spend here a little more time, if you do not mind, Sylvia."

"We are actually closing, I would like to go home too, you know." replied the worker with a smile, making the two freeze in embarrassment. However, Sylvia did not stop nor said anything, she delved into thoughts which put Eugene back on his feet and he dashed towards her.

The reporter followed them, while telling her farewells to the café worker. As the trio exited the premise, the reporter's interest returned to Sylvia. She was standing beside the trees and observing some wildflowers while holding a bouquet of tulips upside down. Eugene came closer to her and caught her eyes, which were looking not at flowers, but rather through them. It was a spectacular sight, as if Sylvia entered the dreamworld without closing her eyes. Alas, this concentration was destroyed by a sudden question coming from behind them.

"Well, then, is there anything you would like to know about phantom cormorant? Besides photos, I have some notes written by the victims and some other articles regarding incidents."

"I think it would be…" said Eugene, but he immediately was interrupted by Sylvia who stated, "There is no need, I doubt our help will be needed in search for the cormorant."

"Oh, I see." sulked the reporter and took a notebook out and said with a forced smile, "You are walking down the main path, right? Is it OK, if I will take an interview regarding the incident in Paris?"

"I decline, we were also planning on having a little stroll before leaving the park, so we are not going down the same path."

"That's fine, I can walk with you, I am not in a hurry!" even though forcefully, but still smiling said the reporter, but Sylvia's resolve was unbreakable. She said, "That's enough! You, reporters, are persistent like pests, madame Durand."

The reporter and Eugene gasped in surprise. At first, Eugene was feeling offended, even though her words were not directed at him. He was about to scold her, but the reporter was first to comment on Sylvia's response.

"Oh, you already found out my name!" exclaimed ms Durand and closed her left eye, "As expected of the la Avise family. But may I ask you, how did you know it?"

"Sophia Durand. Your name is written under the article about our little investigation, as well as the S.D. initials that were present on the other side of those photos. Now, are you done asking questions?"

Sophia shook her head, keeping up her smile. Suddenly, her gaze was concentrated on Eugene. She dashed towards him, and forced the newspapers into his hands while saying, "You were cute while observing this article, you can take the whole thing."

"Oh, really? Thank you!" nodded Eugene, which made Sylvia narrow her brow, however, she just observed the reporter until she finally took her leave. Just before disappearing in the dark foliage of the park, she said, "That's a shame you are in a hurry, but it was nice to meet you two! Pies at some times are masters at building fates."

Eugene giggled at her departing words, but instead of sharing the light-hearted laughter, she pulled him by the sleeve into the other direction. They did not walk down the same path, rather new, the narrower one. It was not as well lighted as the main road up until the fountain, thus twilights were especially dark. At one point, she let him go, and the two continued walking at a slower pace.

"You sure were stingy about her, Sylvia. She only wanted to ask some questions." said Eugene casually, to which she replied, "And you were way too resilient with her demands. Reporters construct the narrative of stories, which can be dangerous for those who do not want to engage with the public. I was too careless back then."

"Are you talking about your name being in that article? I am actually jealous! For readers, I look like your bodyguard or something."

"I would be happy in your place, but if you ever bump into her again, better keep quiet."

"What's the matter? Are you feeling jealous?"

Sylvia groaned in displeasure and glared right into his smiling face, "I am serious, your engagement with the la Avise family can be misunderstood."

Eugene stopped and so did the woman, her seriousness infected the man, and he spoke, "If you do not want me to engage with the la Avise family, then why did you agree to go on this date? You and everyone else keep blabbering about la Avise this and la Avise that, but no one ever cared to explain why this family is so special! What does the la Avise mean, who are you lot, Sylvia?"

Her emerald eyes were shining in the moonlight, hiding their usual absence of light. After a while, she looked away and her lips softened up to say, "If you want to know, then find out yourself."

"And here goes another one! If I had one frank for every time you had told me this, I would open my own café!"

Finally, she hid her face completely, only swaying hair remained to be observed by the man. Before continuing walking down the path, she said softly, "Truth will be hurtful to you, better keep up your loud attitude, Eugene."

A flash of light blinded the man, but as he opened his eyes, only Sylvia's silhouette remained visible, due to the car's headlights. He did not even notice how they exited the park. He also came closer to the car and at the front seat witnessed the look overwhelmed by seriousness of their butler, Vincent. Furthermore, he waved at him, but got no reaction in exchange. At the back seat sat Sylvia, she did not yet close the car's doors.

"I will be taking my leaving for today." she said normally, but Eugene still had to process her words by the seething engine sound. Before he could say anything, she added, "Thank you."

At that, the door closed, and the car started moving, her face was still visible in the window, so the man exclaimed, "Goodbye! I will meet you at "Monso Rooster"."

To his surprise, she turned to him for the last face off. Until car had taken the distance, for the last time today, he was able to witness her soft smile. He could only wish for it to not immediately disappear after the car gained some distance. And alas, even though barely, he could still spectate the predicted change in the exterior mirror. Despite her obnoxious attitude, mixed with arrogance and coldness towards those surrounding her, the smile she occasionally brought into the light was truly beautiful.